Have you ever picked a Word of the Year instead of making New Year’s resolutions? I first heard of this idea through Christine Kane’s website several years ago. I guess it’s getting pretty popular these days. There are a lot of great resources out there now to help you pick and work with your special word.
This is my fifth year choosing a Word of the Year, but it’s the first time I’ve really had to deliberate about it. All of the other years, a word came to me easily, often before the month of December was even over. This time, there was some uncertainty.
I’m not sure why. I have intentions in mind for 2015, and perhaps I simply needed some time to discover a word that fit just right with them. At first I thought my word would be ENERGY, but it felt too aggressive for what I have in mind. I deliberated on EASE, but that was a bit too laid back. I tried on PURPOSE, but it felt constricting. KIND was good, but still not quite right.
So I took Susannah Conway’s free e-course on choosing a word, and it was extremely helpful! I narrowed it down to GRACE. My intentions are to devote more time to my writing and other creative arts, practicing and learning new things. I want to nurture my life and career as a thriving artist and share my creations far and wide. I also want to spend fun time with family and friends, improve my physical fitness, expand my spiritual awareness, and do the things I love on a regular basis. All with ease, purpose, and kindness…also known as GRACE!
I’m totally in love with my new word. I spent some time today making a GRACE art journal page. GRACE feels just right for where I am and where I’m headed.
Have you chosen a word for 2015? I’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment and share your word and perhaps why you chose it. Blessings!