This has been an unusual holiday season, for a variety of reasons. Not bad, just different. A bit more chaotic and scattered. A lot of letting go and allowing things to unfold as they will. Which is part of the lesson.
I think of myself as a recovering control freak, and sometimes the recovery goes better than others. I get too attached sometimes, and think that my actions and to-do lists are a lot more important than they really are.
This has been a season of releasing, of valuing the things that truly matter, and of being easier on myself.
My Word of the Year for 2019 was EASE, and I think I’ve integrated it on a deeper level than ever before.
For New Year’s, BlackLion and I decided to do a Star Wars movie marathon. It was a stretch for this Virgo to just relax into two days of no to-do lists. I know, lame. I did clean the kitchen in between movies, I confess. But it’s been good for me to take actual time off from business and writing. That’s something I’ve been learning to do more of this past year, rather than just working harder and harder and forcing things.
I didn’t have the success in business in 2019 that I’d hoped for – but I didn’t give up. I’ve been focusing on building community, refining my offerings, and connecting with people who align with what I do.
My ego mind wants to think that I’m not getting anywhere, because of the numbers in my business account (or lack thereof), but that’s not the whole picture.
I’m consciously building a business that will lovingly support and sustain my clients as well as myself and my family. I have big plans for philanthropic giving that will help the oceans and the Earth. I want my clients’ books (and my books) to have a huge impact, and to help with the expansion of human consciousness. I don’t work nonstop and survive on stress and caffeine. I pause and realign as needed. I offer long-term support and transformational experiences.
Building a business this way takes time and nurturing. I’m learning SO much along the way. I have the support I need. My current affirmation for business is “I surrender to my inevitable success.”
While I’m not quite there yet with the financial side of things, my creative process and personal life are thriving. I’m so thankful.
Writing has been going well, and I have a new book coming out soon that I’ve co-authored with BlackLion. The kids both have exciting things happening this year (a new home for my son, a wedding for my daughter). The elders are doing pretty well, too (though part of my financial goals are to be able to help them more in that regard). I’m blessed with amazing relationships with my beloveds, family members, and friends. I have some fun travel plans coming up this year. In terms of physical health, I’ve made some positive changes and those are going super well so far.
The word I’ve chosen for this year – well, it’s chosen me, I think – is SOVEREIGN. It came from some work my biz coach has been doing with us, about choosing sovereignty over success, because it’s more comprehensive and is about how you feel when you’re in this mode.
The image I get when I think of being sovereign is of being the Queen of my own inner and outer landscape. Not in a fussy, dictatorial, messing-with-the-cursed-hows sense. Rather, my Queen self is a benevolent observer, aligned with the Divine and nurturing her subjects (i.e. the other parts of me, and my life).
If this doesn’t make sense, it’s not you. I’m still figuring out how my new word will play out this year. I’ll share more as I wrap my mind and heart around it. Maybe images will help. Here’s my vision board for 2020. I love the feel of it!
I’d love to hear about your process and how you’re moving forward into the new year. Comment here or send me a message. Happy New Year!