Starcat’s Favorites: Yoga Practice

As I write this, the calendar has officially switched to Spring, and the Sun is in Aries. This is our sassy Aries-born catten (still a kitten but almost a cat), Milton LoveCat. We’re having that weather that makes you wish … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Seaside Vacation

I’ve been away this week, up at Quester’s family camp on the ocean. It’s been a delight. Quester and I were celebrating our 31st wedding anniversary, and we also enjoyed hosting some new friends from out of state who stayed … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Interior Design

Because I’m putting together a new home office, I’ve recently been diving into the world of interior home design. I’m fascinated and delighted! At the same time, I’m not the type to go for a particular style simply because it’s … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Savoring the Hygge

It’s deep winter, here in the northern hemisphere. It’s either face-numbingly cold, or some form of icy water is falling from the sky. This isn’t a complaint, truly, despite my (ahem) tricky relationship with winter. It simply means that it’s … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Self-Acceptance

Hey there! The title of this post, self-acceptance, is around feeling some guilt (I know, Mom, “no guilt”) about not posting here much lately. I’ve had lots of ideas, but haven’t yet taken the time to sit down and share … Continue reading

Personal Projects, No Pressure

Creative people like us often have a bunch of projects underway at any given time. Despite what you might hear or read, this is a good thing. Our brains work differently from those who move in a linear fashion from … Continue reading

The Life of the Imagination

I enjoy living a “Life of the Imagination.” The phrase itself came to me at some point several years ago, popping into my consciousness and immediately embraced as something that describes me, at least when I’m at my best. What … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Books and Bookstores

Happy Independent Bookstore Day! Yes, that’s really a thing. Today’s a wonderful day to visit your favorite local bookstore. I thought I’d kick off the festivities by sharing photos of my “to be read” and “currently reading” piles. The shorter … Continue reading