Happy Independent Bookstore Day! Yes, that’s really a thing. Today’s a wonderful day to visit your favorite local bookstore.
I thought I’d kick off the festivities by sharing photos of my “to be read” and “currently reading” piles. The shorter pile is what I’m currently reading (or re-reading, in the case of Women Who Run with the Wolves). The ones I have underway on the Kindle are Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas and Who the F*** Am I To Be A Coach? by Megan Jo Wilson.
What are you reading currently? Or looking forward to reading soon?
Here are some links for your weekend perusal, including some about…wait for it… books and bookstores!
The best bookstores in all 50 states (road trip goal, anyone?).
Some famous bookworms share their book collections.
The current popularity of D&D and other role-playing games. Love it!
For those, like me, who quake in their boots about a trip to the dreaded dentist.
A thought-provoking article on ways to use your time more effectively.
I hope your day is full of fun and plenty of good books.