Starcat’s Favorites: You Know It’s Summer

At this time of year, when I think about my favorite things, it’s SUMMER that comes to mind. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you’re familiar with how much I love the warm season. Here in … Continue reading

Personal Projects, No Pressure

Creative people like us often have a bunch of projects underway at any given time. Despite what you might hear or read, this is a good thing. Our brains work differently from those who move in a linear fashion from … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Back to It

Don’t you just love September? After the crazy social whirlwind that is August for my family, I really relish that “back to school” vibe, the motivation to get organized and focused on what’s most important. Although I haven’t attended school for … Continue reading

Leaving Space for the Mysteries

Sometimes it seems like we live in a world where everything that isn’t completely rational has been either brushed aside or ridiculed. If there’s no research proving it, forget about it. It’s kooky. If it doesn’t involve making or spending money, … Continue reading

The Power of Dreaming

I’m caught up in the throes of NaNoWriMo, dreaming up a novel that won’t be finished this month, though I will make the 50,000 word count by November 30th. So for today’s post I bring you a thought-provoking quote on … Continue reading

A Contemplative Samhain

Greetings. Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween to you! Joyful salutations of the Celtic New Year! I’m celebrating in a quiet and mellow space this year. Our Dark Follies gig that was originally scheduled for tonight was cancelled about a month … Continue reading