Starcat’s Favorites: Home Base

Home base? No, it’s not a baseball metaphor. I am feeling blessed, at this time when we’re all being advised to stay home except for essential supply runs, to absolutely LOVE where I live and the people I live with. … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: My Family

I am SO blessed to have an amazing family (of birth and choice, both). This weekend, a bunch of us are helping my son and his girlfriend move into the house they just bought. Not only are we schlepping boxes … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: High and Low All at Once

I know I’ve referred to one of Quester’s favorite quotes here before, more than once. It’s by the band Moe, and goes “it’s high and low all at once, not one or the other.” This month has been one of … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: My Community

I’ve had kind of a struggly winter, blah blah blah. Who hasn’t? I hope you haven’t, actually. But the cool thing is that I have such a vibrant and supportive community. I’m so thankful. I’ve surrounded myself with some extremely … Continue reading