Thriving in the Heat Wave

Dryst jumps

Dryst jumping in the river to stay cool.

I love summer. Bring on the hot weather! I know, I know, my joy is annoying. So many people are bothered by the heat, it’s irritating to them when I say I love it. But, poor summer, someone has to be in love with her heat waves!

I think I was a jungle cat in another life. You know, the ones that enjoy water. It would explain why the humidity doesn’t really bug me, I love to swim in the river, and I have great night vision. It also covers my ability to sleep for hours and hours, and to lie low and stay invisible if I choose. It doesn’t really explain the vegetarian thing, unless perhaps I was just too carnivorous and I’m still trying to balance it all out.

Percy Lovecat has found his groove for the summer days, even though he can’t take off his fur coat. In the hottest part of the day, he sleeps downstairs in the coolness of BlackLion’s basement room. Then he meanders upstairs for some food, and to greet his two-legged pals. Time for some lounging in the window.

Percy lounging

Percy lounges in the window all afternoon.

When dusk falls, he heads out to explore, and to welcome the cooler air of evening.

For those bothered by the heat, I’m truly sorry that you’re feeling uncomfortable. I feel for you when I think of those icy-cold winter days when I just can’t get warm – those are the ones that get to me. I love it here in Maine, but perhaps a more tropical location would suit me better. I’ll keep that in mind as the kids get older and my writing career takes off – hey, writers can work anywhere, especially with the technology available to us these days…


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