Fun With Busking

This afternoon BlackLion, ElvenTiger and I did some busking in Portland (Maine). If you’re not sure what busking means, essentially it’s a street performance done for donations. In this case, we were there to help out some friends who are … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Action!

The sun is shining in our little corner of New England, the snow is melting, and life is good. We even have some daffodil shoots coming up! No buds yet, but I know they’ll be showing up soon. It’s amazing … Continue reading

The Awesome Power of Decluttering

You might think that de-cluttering your living space  is just a convenience, something you can do when you notice space is getting cramped or you have a lot of extra stuff. Really, it has a bigger positive effect than that. … Continue reading

My Kids Are Getting Old

Last week I attended a meeting of our homeschool co-op, to plan our future space and activities. I almost didn’t go, as I’m not sure whether we’re going back in the fall or not. ElvenTiger turned 15 this winter, and … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Hints of Spring

We celebrated the Spring Equinox this week, and I’m noticing hints of spring all around. No, in our case, not even the crocuses have been able to poke their first shoots up above the snow. But the sun is getting … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: I’m Ready!

Happy March! Not to rush Mother Nature or anything, but I’m more than ready for the Spring Equinox, which happens this month. Or more accurately, for the warmer weather that it will presumably usher in.  It’s been a cold week, … Continue reading

Free Kids Rock

I spend a fair amount of time with kids, mostly kids in the homeschooling and unschooling community. The majority of them have much more freedom in their lives than you and I did at their age, or than most of … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Welcome 2014!

I did two things yesterday that told me it’s really the new calendar year, and that the sun’s light is returning. The first one is that we took down and put away all our Solstice and Christmas decorations, including the … Continue reading