Starcat’s Favorites: Action!

The sun is shining in our little corner of New England, the snow is melting, and life is good. We even have some daffodil shoots coming up! No buds yet, but I know they’ll be showing up soon.

It’s amazing how much of my energy returns with the warmer temperatures. This week I started a new routine that will hopefully keep me focused on some key projects. So far, it’s going well. What new projects and actions are you taking on this season?

Have a terrific weekend, and may it be filled with both fun and productivity – hopefully at the same time!

Despite the human tendency to worry, everything really will be OK.

I’m looking forward to trying this recipe – and yes, I mean both the food and the attitude.

Getting into some de-cluttering, like me? This website is really helpful.

As a bookworm, I loved being validated by this article on the benefits of reading. OK, maybe I didn’t need justification to spend more time reading… (The pictures are awesome, too).

This is quite interesting – what happens when you do a year-long sugar fast. Part of me wants to try it – the part that’s not a total chocoholic.

Here’s a wonderful article on unschooling from a newspaper in our state. I love seeing positive, non-sensational press about unconventional lifestyles.

My friend Zoe, who’s an amazing bright, sparkly, creative unschooler, is part of an Odyssey of the Mind team (all homeschooled) that is fundraising to go to the world championships. Please check out her fundraiser and donate and/or share it to help spread the word. Thanks so much!

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