Starcat’s Favorites: Settle In…

…with a cup of your favorite beverage. Starcat’s Favorites is back! Even through the busy times and the grief, I’ve been reading and gathering links. Reading is my lifelong refuge, my favorite comfort food, my natural state of being. The … Continue reading

Keeping Faith

We’re back from our wonderful Rethinking Everything conference adventure, and it was as fantastic and life-changing as I suspected it would be! A giant wave of gratitude to everyone who helped us by donating, spreading the word, and sending good … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Transformation

As you read this, BlackLion, ElvenTiger and I are fully immersed in our Rethinking Everything Conference adventure. We’re so excited and thankful for all the community support that enabled us to attend this life-changing, transformative event! I’ll be writing more … Continue reading

Nearly Ready

This summer has been a whirlwind of intense energies. Are you feeling it, too? My astrologer friends have been talking about all the powerful conjunctions, squares, and oppositions affecting us, not only individually but as a culture. It makes sense … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: August Already?!

The month of July seemed to zoooooom right by! As I’ve written before, August is perhaps the busiest month of the year for me and my family. So, here goes! Some of the projects and fun things I’m involved with … Continue reading

Creativity and Non-Linear Learning

The culture I live in, and even some of the more creative people I know, believe that learning a creative art (whether writing, music, dance, Tarot card reading, blogging, or whatever you choose) is a linear process. You pick what … Continue reading