What Is Your Foundation?

What are your most important priorities in life? The really super big ones? It’s okay to pause for a moment and get philosophical. This is late autumn, the dark time of the year, a chance to go inward and seek … Continue reading

Summer Solstice and PortCon

What have I been up to lately? Quite the whirlwind of a weekend! Summer is here and we were busy welcoming it and celebrating, creating, and performing. The main event of the weekend was, of course, the Summer Solstice! We … Continue reading

Fun With Busking

This afternoon BlackLion, ElvenTiger and I did some busking in Portland (Maine). If you’re not sure what busking means, essentially it’s a street performance done for donations. In this case, we were there to help out some friends who are … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Snow Day

I’m enjoying being snowed in today. The cats are sort of bored, but not me. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy. Currently I’m listening to A Prairie Home Companion and waiting for the vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie to … Continue reading

It’s Alright

I’m having a hard time getting back into some of my usual creative outlets, like blogging, since my friend passed away. It’s odd how grief shows up in different ways for each person. The other thing that’s dropped away is … Continue reading

Creativity and Non-Linear Learning

The culture I live in, and even some of the more creative people I know, believe that learning a creative art (whether writing, music, dance, Tarot card reading, blogging, or whatever you choose) is a linear process. You pick what … Continue reading