Starcat’s Favorites: Slowly, Slowly

This winter has been especially snowy here in northern New England, as I’m sure you’ve heard by now. I don’t know if that’s contributing to my own desire for extended hibernation or not, but I’m not complaining. When the latest winter … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: A Cozy Nest

I confess – I’m a “glass half full” kind of person. So of course, despite the icky colds going around in my family, I’m looking on the bright side. Which means, for me, plenty of time for reading (I’m really … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Snow Day

I’m enjoying being snowed in today. The cats are sort of bored, but not me. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy. Currently I’m listening to A Prairie Home Companion and waiting for the vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie to … Continue reading