The Creative Power of the Sea

Going to the beach regularly makes me a better writer – a better person, even.

After a visit to the ocean, I feel calmer (thank you, negative ions), more focused, and extra inspired.

I’m blessed to live in a spot in Maine where a trip to the ocean takes less than 30 minutes. It’s a good thing, too, because over the past few years, walks by the sea have become an essential part of my life as a Thriving Artist.

Why? I’m not exactly sure. Without planning to, I’ve become a water priestess.

Earlier in my adult life, my patron Goddess was Brigid. My ancestry is Celtic, and I was drawn to Her creative and healing domains. We even named our daughter after Her. Interestingly, Brigid oversees both the fires of the forge and the waters of the sacred wells.

But these past few years, it’s the ocean Goddess Yemaya who’s been calling my name. I can’t help but listen to Her compelling song, carried on the frothy waves and salty breezes. I’ve been a quarter mermaid for many years, and She’s singing directly to my watery Cancer-rising heart.

This call to the depths has affected my life and work in many ways. I’m currently researching and outlining a book with the working title Water Wisdom. My Big Vision is to offer transformational seaside writing retreats around the world. The philanthropic arm of my mini-empire is devoted to helping clean up the oceans. BlackLion and I are about to visit Nassau for the first time, to restore ourselves in the tropical waters (SO excited!).

My wild sisters and I spend our summer full moons at our favorite local beach, bobbing in the waves and cackling with laughter by the fire. Each September, on Yemaya’s feast day, I lead a ritual on the beach where we give offerings of flowers, fruit, and coins to Her.

Forgive the pun, but since working with Yemaya, I’m much more able to go with the flow of life (and creativity). Truly. It’s such a blessing for this recovering perfectionist.

What about you, Thriving Artist? Does the ocean call to you or inspire your work? Maybe it’s the mountains, or the desert, or your own backyard. I’d love to hear about how your creative superpowers are affected by the natural world.

Drop a comment below or post in the Book Birthing Center on Facebook. Blessings!

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