Wow, how can it be February already? This has been a very wintry week here in frosty Maine. After a lull, we’ve been having snowstorms left and right. But hey, even though the days are growing longer, it’s still winter for a few more weeks. Especially here. It’s so chilly, cats have been seen snuggling with dogs!
I’m currently seeking ideas for posts to share with you here.
You may have noticed I haven’t been posting as often, and part of it is that I’ve been busy with life in general and with my business, Feline Dreamers. But I’m also wondering what topics you’d most love to hear about. Please leave a comment below and let me know.
Some of my own ideas for upcoming posts include another in the series on the Tarot (got a particular card you’re wondering about?), a report on how my bullet journaling adventure is going (spoiler: I love it!!!), and maybe an excerpt from my most recent book, The Heart of the Goddess. What do you think?
Okay, on with the best of the links I’ve discovered over the past month or so! Enjoy your weekend.
Last month ElvenTiger turned 18! I know, big milestone! She’s my youngest, so it’s also a milestone for me as a Mom – we’re in a whole new phase of parenting now. I freaking love my adult kids and their partners! Anyway, since she’s an awesome Capricorn (and I have some wonderful Capricorn friends, too), here’s a post on why this sign is so essential to keep around.
Great article on manifesting abundance, from one of my heroes, Mike Dooley.
BlackLion and I just started a daily dance challenge, to get us moving even in the icy weather. Here are some useful tips for starting a 21-day challenge of your own.
A fascinating article on healing yourself by talking with your cells. Wow.
Here are some nourishing yoga poses for winter.
Freaked out by the state of the world, and politics? Yeah, many of us are. Here are some tips for change-making, and my recent post on avoiding media overwhelm. Also, a unique perspective on dealing with environmental devastation.
You (or your kids) don’t legally have to go to school. You may know that already, but this video is a great summary. And he’s hilarious! Thanks ElvenTiger for sharing it with me.
Remember, please let me know what you’d love to read about here in the weeks to come. Thank you!
Anything that lights you up! Yes Tarot, yes bullet journaling, yes Heart of the Goddess, yes magick and faeries, yes spiritual practices, yes family and cat pics! <3