I wanted to share an inspiring post with you today about my experience at the Life Without Instructions (LWI) unschooling conference in New Jersey. It will be full of photos of people of all ages enjoying their freedom and joy, with quotes and bits of wisdom that I gleaned from my experience there. It will tie in unschooling, freedom, creativity, and spirituality. It’ll be awesome.
Alas, I haven’t had the chance to finish that post just yet. I’ve been recovering from travel and catching up with a bunch of work and household stuff. I’ve also been taking walks and enjoying the beauty of autumn. What a lovely season.
So instead of that post, I’ll share some of my favorite links from the past few weeks – and schedule in some more time to write about LWI soon.
Being your true self isn’t always easy, but it’s so worth it!
Do you have a morning ritual? Something uplifting that you do each morning, just for you? Try it.
Looking for happiness? This episode of NPR’s TED Radio Hour will help with some clues. Also, I highly recommend watching the movie Hector and the Search for Happiness. Laugh and learn.
I guess I’m all about the audio this week. Here’s another terrific public radio program, this one on creativity.
The truth is, being a Mom is hard sometimes. Especially when they’re little. Leonie speaks it out loud.
Have a delightful weekend!