Triggers Are Mirrors

I am blessed to have a really awesome extended family. They are supportive, loving, kind, and funny (sometimes hilarious). Despite all the “weird” things about me – vegetarianism, unschooling, polyamory, and other unconventional choices – they not only accept me … Continue reading

The Whole Point of Creative Projects

It was Sunday evening. I hadn’t been feeling well, so I was sitting in the comfy chair in the living room with Percy cat on my lap, doing some journal writing and some reading. My list of projects and tasks … Continue reading

Hibernation, Schedules & Transformation

I started my yoga practice up again yesterday. It’s an off-and-on thing for me. I’m trying a new routine for the days where I’m working from home, for myself. When I wake up, I write in my daily diary, then … Continue reading

Aspirations or Inspirations?

Usually at this time of year, I start feeling motivated and excited to charge right into the new year. Last year I switched things up a bit, and decided to focus on intentions rather than goals. Still, I think the … Continue reading

Creations, Gratitude, and a Sparkly New Project

It’s the last day of November, the final hours even. How did my NaNoWriMo go? Here’s a simple answer: We did it! BlackLion and I finished our first-ever novel around noontime today, with a combined total of 105,332 words. Yessss!!! … Continue reading

Ah, November…

I’m so glad that November has arrived. That’s not something I would normally say. I’m a summer girl, and I also love early fall, but when the skies get really grey and the days are so short, that’s not necessarily … Continue reading