I’ve noticed recently how much my mind likes to default to what’s “wrong” in my life. This is especially true as I focus on building my financial foundation. When I wake up and start my day, my brain wants to … Continue reading
Tag Archives: gratitude
I’ve been seeing a lot of social media posts by friends and acquaintances who are feeling especially down and worthless lately. Some of them suffer from anxiety and depression, which I understand is caused by brain chemistry – but in … Continue reading
I’ve just finished reading a life-changing book. As a bookworm, I probably say that a lot, and I’m not making it up. But truly, this is a game-changer. I think you should read it. As soon as possible. The book … Continue reading
Although this winter has been much milder in terms of weather, I feel like I’ve really been in the deep, dark, depths the past couple of months. You know those infamous “dark nights of the soul?” Yeah, those are the … Continue reading
In the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I participated in a “14 Days Glad” challenge that a friend created in a Facebook group I belong to. The idea was to post a list of ten things each day that … Continue reading
The lilacs are blooming! I love their lavender beauty and that delightful smell. Ah, full spring, with summer right behind it. I love it! This weekend I’ll be spending some time in our new hammock, reveling in the gorgeous weather and … Continue reading
“Everything exists for joy. There is not one other reason for life than joy. We’ve got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching. In other words, we’re not trying to get brownie points from some … Continue reading
My gratitude project is going well. I’ve been having a tough time this fall. I’m grieving the death of my friend, going through some kind of rather intense spiritual transformation, and have managed to injure my lower back. Bleah. Yet … Continue reading
“You can have anything you want,” writes one of my heroes, astrologer and author Rob Brezsny, ” if you’ll just ask for it in an unselfish tone of voice.” I haven’t been writing here as much as I usually do, I … Continue reading
It’s the last day of November, the final hours even. How did my NaNoWriMo go? Here’s a simple answer: We did it! BlackLion and I finished our first-ever novel around noontime today, with a combined total of 105,332 words. Yessss!!! … Continue reading