Starcat’s Favorites: Taking Time Off

When you work for yourself, especially when you’re doing something you truly love that’s part of your calling, taking time off can be a bit tricky. It’s hard to get away. I mean, my work is so fun!

Sure, I have time during my work days to take a walk in the woods or have lunch with a friend. But I’m talking about taking a more sustained break.

It’s easier in the summer, when the beautiful weather tempts me outside to swim or hike. Still, sometimes I get caught up in the work: coaching my clients and leading workshops, developing new offerings, making connections with people, expanding my community, and writing.

But right now, as you read this, I’m taking a long weekend at one of my favorite places to relax – Quester’s family’s camp on the ocean (this picture is the view from the lawn). My weekend will include hiking, reading, swimming, visiting with family, and I’m not sure what else, yet. (Yes, I wrote and scheduled this post in advance, so I can be fully unplugged for the weekend).

I’ve also got some other time off planned for the next month or two. I’m taking it in smaller chunks, this summer, so I can visit different places and spread out the fun.

What about you? Are you taking time off this summer? Where do you love to go? What are your favorite restorative activities?

While you’re enjoying your R&R, here are some interesting things to check out:

Many people are embracing a plant-based diet, or just adding more meatless meals to their regular fare. I’ve been a vegetarian for more than half my life, now, and I loved this article on vegetarian food for cookouts.

As someone who just can’t handle early mornings, I’m not sure I agree fully with this take on larks vs. owls, but I find it interesting, all the same.

I’m always on the lookout for witchy books, though I don’t wait until Halloween to embrace them. Surprisingly, I’d only read 7 of the 27 witchy books on this list!

Along with taking time off, giving yourself gifts is another good way to take care of YOU, so I’m sharing a few favorites here. Check out Pure Herbal Healing, Melanin and Treasures, and Sabrina’s Little Witchy Things for some terrific gift ideas, for yourself or other loved ones.

I love this little Tarot/oracle spread on money and what you need to know about it.

Be sure to schedule some time off, just for you. We all need to relax and recharge regularly!

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