Starcat’s Favorites: Signs of Spring

Dare I say it before the month is really over? This March has been easier than I’d expected, given my rocky history with the transition from late winter to early spring. Maybe that’s because I’ve gone all in with my exquisite self-care.

It could be the signs of spring. We’ve had some nice weather since the Spring Equinox, although it’s Maine, so I’m sure it will snow again at least once. We have snowdrops in our yard. The birds are singing their hearts out.

I’m feeling inspired in my creative and biz work – and in life as a whole. It’s all intertwined, for me. I feel like I’m fully embodying the life of a Thriving Artist.

These days, I’m able to see the results of all the inner and outer work I’ve been doing over the past several years. It’s satisfying. It also inspires me to go further and higher and do more! What can I say? I’m ambitious A.F.

Here are some of my favorite finds on the internet from this month.

Love this article on self-love. I fully agree, it’s an ongoing practice for sure.

The Modern Witch Tarot is going to be the next deck in my collection. It’s so gorgeous!

Ready for 11 motivational minutes that will bring on the tears and goosebumps? Watch this magnificent speech by Lisa Nichols!

7 Reasons to Love Luna Lovegood (she’s my favorite Potterverse character!).

What do you do after a breakthrough? My biz coach calls this a visibility hangover. Here are some wise words from Danielle LaPorte. She also shared this article about the power of changing your mind.

A post about link posts, in my monthly link post. So meta!

May your days be sunny and your nights filled with stars.

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