Travel and the Creative Soul

What comes to mind when you hear the word “adventure?” For me, it’s a no-brainer.

Adventure means TRAVEL.

Travel feeds my creative soul like nothing else.

I first caught the travel bug when I was a shy teenage Girl Scout. The longer I stayed in Girl Scouts, the fewer peers and the smaller the troop size. However, there were some really cool things that were offered to the older girls – like “Wider Opportunities.”

As soon as I heard about the concept of themed two-week camps, scattered across the country, I was hooked. I applied for a few – I remember that one was a theater camp – and waited to see what happened. I was accepted to a camp with a history theme, located in rural Pennsylvania. For two weeks, we’d be living on a historic farm property, learning to do things the way our ancestors did.

I was both terrified and thrilled. This was the furthest I’d been from home without my family. I was a shy, introverted kid who often felt insecure and awkward.

Yet as soon as I stepped on the plane, I was captivated by this notion of exploring places I’d never seen before. It made my (already quite active) imagination jump into overdrive.

Fast-forward to my 30s, when I was Mom to two young kids as well as being the family breadwinner. Thanks to my job, I had the chance to travel to an industry conference each autumn. By myself!

If you’ve had little kids, you probably know how luxurious that feels. A two-hour layover in a bustling airport? No worries – I can read without interruption, eat what and when I want, and even daydream.

A hotel room in a downtown conference center? Wow, I get the whole bed to myself! Room service. Fluffy towels that someone else will wash. A nice pool for a morning swim before conference sessions.

Most of these conference trips were to cities I’d never visited before, and I often had a free day at the end of my trip to explore the area. Such joy!

To this day, I absolutely adore traveling. Over the past two years, I’ve been to Colorado, New York City (twice), the Bahamas, and New Mexico. I’ve visited art museums, beaches, national parks, and a variety of restaurants. I’ve written in cafes and airports, on a train, and in bars.

I’ve got pages of ideas in my notebooks, inspired by the adventures I’ve embarked upon. I love to take photos of the places I visit. My creative wellspring overflows with new ideas inspired by the sights, sounds, and experiences of my travels.

Even though I’m a Virgo with planning superpowers, I like to leave plenty of room for spontaneity as I travel. I research a new place a little bit, but not too much. It’s much more fun to see what experiences come up as I move through the world.

The best part of travel adventures is the unknown. Happily, I’ve found travel companions who also love to “travel by yes.” Solo travel is a blast, but adventures can be even more fun with like-minded company.

I have more travel adventures in the works for 2020 and beyond. My vision boards are filled with pictures of places I haven’t seen yet. My Big List O’Goals has plenty of travel destinations outlined for the years to come. I look forward to hosting retreats in exotic locales.

Do you adore traveling as much as I do? Where have you been? Where do you yearn to go next?

Tell me what you think!

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