Opening Pandora’s Treasure Box

Pandora’s Box by Michael Hensmann, shared via Creative Commons.

It feels like writing about the Law of Attraction means opening up Pandora’s mythical box. On the one hand, there’s so much treasure in there, and it has helped me to vastly expand and improve my life. On the other hand, there are many misconceptions about the philosophy and its validity.

So of course BlackLion and I decided to write a book about it!

The book actually focuses on the work and teaching we’ve been doing that integrates the concepts of the Law of Attraction (LOA) with some of the practices of Earth-based spirituality. We’ll also address the prejudices and misunderstandings about what the LOA is and how to use it, ethically and practically.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a bit about using the LOA in your creative life.

The posts I’ve shared here over the past two months have focused on ways to move your creative work to a place of priority in your life, with ease and joy. I’m encouraging you to become a Thriving Artist (if it’s something that calls to you)

The power of the LOA lies in its focus on what you do want for yourself, your life, and the world. In mainstream society, we’re taught to focus mainly on what’s not working. In my experience, it’s much more productive to focus on what I do love about my experiences.

This takes some training. It takes practice to rewire your brain after years of habitual thinking. Don’t lose hope, though – it can be done!

In practice, the process of rewiring means using tools like gratitude lists, vision boards, meditation, and exquisite self-care. It means cultivating an awareness of when you shift into old patterns, and gently redirecting yourself. It means doing the heavy lifting of self-improvement and growth.

The over-simplified version of the Law of Attraction says that if you “just” think good thoughts, all your dreams will come true. That’s only part of the picture. First, thinking good thoughts is way easier said than done. Also, those thoughts need to be backed up with inspired actions.

In order to use the LOA in your creative life, I recommend you begin by asking yourself these questions:

  • How do I most love to express my creativity?
  • What were my favorite activities as a young child?
  • If I had a whole day to myself, with no responsibilities, what would I do with it?
  • What are my creative gifts and talents?
  • What new creative art would I most like to learn or try?
  • What do I enjoy most about my current (or past) creative work?
  • Who are my favorite creative role models? (artists, actors, authors, speakers, teachers, etc.)

Now take the answers to these questions and pick just one idea to focus on. Make a list of baby steps to get you there. Go do them.

For example, if you’ve always wanted to learn to play the violin, your list of baby steps might be: 1. Do a Google search on violin teachers in my area. 2. Ask Aunt Kallie to borrow her violin. 3. Look up beginner tutorials on YouTube.

If you came up with a fun and inspiring list of creative things you’d love to do if you had the whole day to yourself, your list might be: 1. Schedule a day off from work within the next two weeks. 2. Get a babysitter/pet-sitter for that day. 3. Get art supplies from the local craft store.

You get the idea. By turning your gaze to what you love about your creativity, rather than your doubts or the lack of time or resources or whatever, you’re putting things in motion. 

Setting intentions and taking small, bite-sized actions gets you on the path. Next time, we’ll expand the map a bit more by enlisting the help of your Deep Self and your muses.

I’d love to hear about your action items, and your work with the LOA. Leave a comment below!

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