Books: My Favorite Hobby

I’m obsessed with this library-building project – in a healthy way, I hope! It’s so much fun to catalogue the books we own, and also to add all the books I’ve read over the past 25 years or so (when I started keeping track of them in my journals).

There’s a feature in LibraryThing where you can mark a book “read but unowned,” which will come in handy when I’m at book sales or used bookstores. My memory can be iffy, and I don’t always recognize a book I’ve read by the title – but now I can look it up.

The point of the project is not to be useful on a physical level, necessarily, though. It’s something for my Talking Self to delight in while I’m on this healing and grieving journey.

I was told by my guides that right now, for me, being is more important than doing, and that I’m undergoing some kind of deep inner transformation. I mean, I suppose we’re all in that boat in terms of energy transformation, as our planet gradually adjusts and the energies of the new astrological era flow in (yep, that old cliche the Age of Aquarius – cue the cheesy music – but there’s an element of truth to it).

At this time, though, I’m being specifically told that the most important thing for me right now is to BE, without falling into the old patterns of worry and struggle. Giving my brain something interesting to do is helping me to follow these instructions.

Plus, I’ve been fascinated with books and stories (and libraries!) since I came into this lifetime. It feels so good to organize our books, both physically and digitally. It’s inspiring my creativity to page through old journals and re-discover what I read and when. It’s like seeing old friends you haven’t thought of in a long time.

My reading goal this month is to make some space on my TBR (to be read) shelves (pictured here) for some new books. There are some local library sales coming up in April and I want to be able to get some new reads, and have space for them already prepared. Virgo goals, right?

While spring is bursting out in many areas, right now in Maine we still have lots of snow falling, and it’s a great time to snuggle up with a book. I usually have a few books going at once. I tend to read fiction pretty quickly, while taking my time with nonfiction, especially dense works where I might even take notes.

I joined a virtual spiritual book club, and this month we’re reading The Heroine’s Journey: Woman’s Quest for Wholeness by Maureen Murdock. I’m slowly making my way through Ponder on This, a collection of old channeled writings from Alice A. Bailey. I just finished reading Emma Straub’s Modern Lovers, and enjoyed it. I need to pick a new novel from my TBR shelves. I tend to rotate between fantasy or sci fi, general fiction, and historical fiction. What’s on your bedside table? 

With my own longer-form writing projects, things are going a bit more slowly. I’d been editing my fantasy novel, having printed it out to mark up with a red pencil, but I haven’t picked it up lately. I have a finished draft of my Elements of Creativity book, and I’m getting ready to dive into a new round of edits for that. BlackLion suggested that I add some fictional case studies to it, and I’m having fun fleshing those out. It’s proceeding at a snail’s pace, but I’m relying on my guides to let me know when it’s time to ramp up the doing part.

In the meantime, while I’m following their lead, I’m deep-diving into just being, which for me will eternally include the pleasures of a good book, or several.

Comment below with your latest favorite reads – let’s inspire one another, bookwyrms!

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