Starcat’s Favorites: Summer is Here!

Happy summer to you! This week has been one of sun and performances and work and trying to fit in regular life stuff, like housework and healthy meals. Saturday brings two more Dark Follies shows, and then, most likely, a bit of a crash as I reset back to normal mode. No worries, though, it’s just part of the cycle of a creative life. Here are a few links to brighten your weekend.

One of my favorite Pagan authors (and my namesake), Starhawk, posted about the arrival of the Summer Solstice this week.

I just discovered this online magazine, Pagan Living, and am loving their summer issue. A lot of the photos are from the charming hostess of the delightful fae blog A Fanciful Twist. Enjoy!

Last weekend I did some barefoot hiking. I was reminded in part by running across this very cool (and free!) barefoot manifesto recently.

In the summer you might be feeling the urge to go a bit wild. Here’s your very own permission slip!

Love that wild self of yours! Embrace who you really are.

Last but not least, here are a couple of different takes on how to be yourself with grace, yet without apology.

Have an enchanting day!

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