39 and All’s Well (an update)

I turned 39 on Saturday, and had a lot of fun at my party with family and friends. We had a delicious feast, delightful chocolate cake made by Mom, drumming around the fire, and presents! Oddly, I like getting older. When I was little, I always wanted to be older, which is pretty common. But even in my 20s and beyond, I’ve wanted that sort of respect and wisdom that comes with being older. I like it!

Who am I, now, at this place and time? Student, teacher, yogini, writer, soccer Mom, daughter, friend, Love, unschooler, seeker, gamer, bookworm, gardener, beekeeper, dancer, drummer, artist, peacenik, vegan, Pagan, cook, housecleaner, inventor, playful child, fiery woman, cuddly kitten, strange hippie, feline dreamer and way more than that! Ha!

My yoga is treating me so well. Yesterday I went to the first class of the fall session at Wholeheart. It was so awesome to be back. For some reason, I seem to “go deeper” in class than at home. But my home practice is also going well. I’m happy and thankful! Blessed Be!


39 and All’s Well (an update) — 1 Comment

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