Wintry Darkness

It’s the dark of the moon tonight, and supposedly a wintry mix of weather besides. Today’s rain was expected to turn to snow. Our homeschool group, the Maine Wholeschoolers, was supposed to do our Midyear Review tonight. We canceled so folks wouldn’t have to drive in the snow, but this next phase of the storm hasn’t materialized yet.

For the review, Crow created and edited some awesome videos, using a stuffed ground squirrel as the main character and a bowl of nuts for him to purse. Our cat Mystick also plays a supporting role in one of them; too cute! ElvenTiger is going to perform a song she wrote, and also do a choreographed song and dance with a friend. We’ve rescheduled it, so they’ll still get a chance to share their creations.

Meanwhile, we’re having a quiet night at home instead. Quester made curry for dinner, and the kids and I have a batch of vegan carob chip cookies in the oven. I’m blogging, Quester is reading, Crow is playing with Star, ElvenTiger is chatting to me as I type, and the cats are lounging (of course!). I have a good book going, about Mary, Queen of Scots, and I’ll probably curl up and read, while Quester reads to the kids. All in all, a mellow evening!

Winter’s not so bad…

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