Starcat’s Favorites: Warming Trend

Guess what?! I just looked at the forecast for my neck of the woods, and all the high temps for the foreseeable future start with fives and sixes! Woo hoo! I took a walk earlier this week, even when it … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: In the Garden

Happy weekend! We’re having some April showers here today, but they’re helping the gardens, so I’m not complaining. BlackLion has been in big-time green thumb mode, creating new beds in our garden as well as tending to his seedlings. Things … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Fruits of Hibernation

Happy weekend all! Yes, it’s still pretty darn cold. So yes, I’m still in hibernation mode. But it’s been a very productive quiet season thus far. The most exciting thing I have to share is that BlackLion and I have … Continue reading

Walking Between the Worlds

I see that I haven’t written here for quite some time. The past two weeks have been rather intense. A good friend of mine, the same age as me, has terminal cancer, which she’s been living with for over a … Continue reading