A Triggering Challenge

I’ve recently completed Rachel Rodgers’ “$10K in 10 Days” challenge. She shares the concept at the end of her book We Should All Be Millionaires, which I highly recommend reading. I had planned to do the challenge earlier. I finished … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Stickers!

Did you ever notice that there are certain things in your life that you’re extremely good at manifesting? Mine has been books (go figure). I haven’t belonged to a library for many years because, even when I couldn’t afford to … Continue reading

Navigating the Galactic Barrier

BlackLion and I have been watching the Star Trek: Discovery series, and loving it. A recent episode had the crew of Discovery trying to find a way to travel through the galactic barrier and into another galaxy for an important … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Transforming

As I write this, it’s snowing. It’s windy and cold outside. Just two days ago, it was sunny and in the 60s. Luckily I know better than to think winter is done with us, at least here in Maine. It’s … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Savoring the Hygge

It’s deep winter, here in the northern hemisphere. It’s either face-numbingly cold, or some form of icy water is falling from the sky. This isn’t a complaint, truly, despite my (ahem) tricky relationship with winter. It simply means that it’s … Continue reading

Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2021

Hello fellow bookworms! This is my annual share about my ten favorite books that I read this past year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2021, just ones that I encountered and very … Continue reading

Receiving Success

As I prepare for the beginning of a new calendar year, two words have emerged as themes for me for 2022. The first one that showed up was SUCCESS. In many ways, though, I’ve already achieved the success that I’ve … Continue reading

Guilt: What Is It and How Do You Get Rid of It?

For years and years, my Mom has had a saying that she shares at appropriate moments: “No guilt!”  But what is guilt, anyway? Is it necessarily a bad thing? I looked to Wikipedia, and the definition of guilt there says: … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: A Long Weekend

For the past ten years, I’ve worked the Thanksgiving weekend. This year, I have the whole long weekend off! It was good work – I filled in at the public radio station where I’d previously worked full-time for years. It … Continue reading