Of Patterns and Projects

I’ve been writing a series of contemporary fantasy books for about nine years. Yep – nine years! During that time I’ve also written and published several nonfiction books. But the fiction has mostly stayed on the back burner. Recently I’ve … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: A Rollercoaster Ride

No, not a literal rollercoaster, although I do enjoy those. What I’m referring to is that I’ve been having quite the adventure this month!  It was my birthday, and I had fun celebrating with family and friends. Some wonderful witchy … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: End of Summer

I know, I know, I always go on about how much I love summer. It’s true, I do. But I also adore autumn. So the end of summer brings more loveliness. This year it’s all a bit tricky. Not only … Continue reading

Are You Missing Out on an Essential Nutrient?

I see it all the time. Friends and acquaintances whose lives are heavily scheduled, extremely full from sunrise to bedtime, and yet they feel like something is missing. Their routine is crushing their spirit under its heavy load. They almost never … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: High Summer

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! According to me, at least. Although, like some people who struggle around the winter holidays, missing loved ones, I’ve been missing my Dad a lot this summer. I thought I’d be relatively … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Summer Is Coming

I wasn’t sure what to write about in my favorites summary this month, and then I received a monthly wrap-up from Nisha of Rainbow Plant Life. She writes about the food, media, and other things she’s been enjoying lately, and … Continue reading

Why You Need a Creative Community

What do you think of when you picture yourself writing a book? If you’re like most people, you think of long solo sessions at your laptop, at home – or possibly in a coffee shop, for variety.  The thing is, … Continue reading

Starcat’s Favorites: Balance

It’s that time of year when I have to pay closer attention than usual to balance. What do I mean by that? The balancing postures in my yoga practice? Well, yes, I do love a good tree pose, but I … Continue reading