Goddesses of Writing & Creativity

I’ve written before about the Muses and how to craft a relationship with them that enhances your creative power. Now let’s look at some Goddesses (and a couple of Gods) who can also infuse your creative work with some extra energy.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that, in my opinion, working with deities is very personal. Whether you work with their attributes symbolically, trying on an archetype, or whether you believe in the literal existence of a particular Goddess makes no difference. You get to choose.

Here are some deities who are known for their associations with creativity. If any of them call to you, do a little research. Make an offering to them. Light a candle and say a prayer before you sit down to write. Notice what happens.

I’ve worked with Brigid for many years. She’s the Celtic Goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing. My blood ancestors in this lifetime were from the Celtic isles, and I named my daughter after Her. She has been faithful in bringing me inspiration, passion, and ideas. She guided me as I reclaimed my desire to become a published author. As a deity of both fire and water, She can be either powerfully motivating or gently encouraging, as the situation warrants.

The Greek Goddess Athena is known for Her associations with wisdom and the arts. Her energy is more staid and civilized, in my experience. Call on Her for help with the initial stages of a project. She can help you organize your outline and decide which components to include. Her companion is a wise owl – watch and listen for the owl’s presence in your surroundings.

Saraswati is the Hindu Goddess who invented the Sanskrit language. She is the patron Goddess of writers, musicians, artists, and students. If you’re just beginning a new creative adventure, or learning something brand new, Her steady guidance is helpful.

The Egyptian Goddess Seshat rules over writing and history, and She is also the patron of architecture and libraries. She’s the record-keeper of the Gods. Call on Her when you are doing research. She really knows Her stuff. I mean, a sacred librarian? The best.

Thoth, who is also in the Egyptian pantheon, has much in common with Seshat. He is known as the deity of writing, time, and wisdom. He was sometimes identified as the husband of Seshat, and sometimes as Her father. His energy feels complicated and ancient.

Most of the time I work with female deities, as a personal preference. However, I’m taking a course which has me working with Hermes (also known as Mercury), who is the Greek deity of writing and literature, among other things. He’s a trickster, and I find His energies playful and curious. Interestingly, this same course has me using the Thoth Tarot deck. Hermes also rules over dreams, and I’m finding the work with Him rewarding so far.

Yemaya, the mother of the seas, comes from Nigeria and is now worshipped in Brazil and Cuba, among other places. She isn’t traditionally associated with writing or the arts. However, She is a Mother Goddess, and creativity and fertility are among her areas of influence. I have been called to work with Her in recent years, and I find Her energies to be vastly inspiring to my creative soul. Perhaps it’s my Cancer rising, or the fact that mermaids are Her priestesses.

There are many other deities who can help you with your creative projects. Do a little research of your own. Perhaps begin by looking to the pantheons of lands where your blood ancestors once lived. You can also be called by the deities of your spiritual ancestors. Pay attention to your dreams and to deities whose names appear in your life. 

Take time to call upon these Goddesses and Gods, with respect and love, and they will share their magick with you as you walk the path of the Thriving Artist.

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