Cake(s) of the Month: August

Still doing some catch-up on posting about my cake project. August is a very big birthday month for us, so yes, there were cakes! I didn’t make one for BlackLion, as he preferred to have homemade cherry chocolate-chip ice cream. It was yummy, but didn’t last long enough for a photo.

Dryst wanted a lemon cake for his 15th birthday, so I was happy to oblige.

For Mom and Aunt Peg, I made a dragonfly cake as a surprise (chocolate, of course). They liked it! They shared a birthday celebration with Dryst, and I was amused that I used the kids’ cake decorating book for their cake, rather than Dryst’s. They’re young at heart.

And our friend Nate got a chocolate bundt cake with icing (he doesn’t like frosting – imagine that! I’m a bit of a frosting addict, myself).

There you have it, cakes for August! I’ll add the September cake and will be all caught up, just in time for the new month.

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