A Festival of Inspiration

Blessings of August, and big Happy Birthday smooches to my lovely Leo friends, including of course my dear BlackLion, whose birthday is today! This past weekend he and I attended an amazing music festival. We went with the Dark Follies troupe, and had a fantastic experience there. The vibe was joyful and inspiring. After a very stressful week, it was great to be outdoors in a beautiful setting, playing and listening to music with a delightful group of people.

I’m going to skip the official Starcat’s Favorites post this week, since the week is well underway at this point, but I do have a couple of links that I wanted to share with you. One is a song that seems to capture my experience of the festival. It’s not even the type of music that was being played there, but it feels right as a description.

The other is something I’ve been working on for a while, but am now really feeling in my whole being. I’m finally (again?) coming to the point of understanding that I feel best when I follow my heart. I am often drawn to pleasing others, and find it enjoyable, yet to rely on the approval of others for my own joy is a recipe for depression. I am still delighted by doing things for people, yet my self-love is growing, and I’m no longer dependent on their attention. It’s a good place to be in, particularly as I face some challenges along my path. The truth that it is indeed my path, and that I am the one in charge of it, is such a huge help. The other piece that is falling into place is that it doesn’t have to be lonely. I can be fully in my personal power, and still connect with kindred spirits. Actually, that’s the best way to connect, when I’m feeling uplifted and free.

It’s a work in progress for sure, and I’m sure I’ll still stumble now and then. Yet for the moment, I’m feeling empowered. Many blessings to you on your path!

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