The Great Mystery and Creativity

I’m reading this fantastic book called Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake, published in 1997. Fox is a theologian who writes about creation spirituality, while Sheldrake is … Continue reading

The Elements: In Conclusion

I just recently realized that I hadn’t completed my series on the elements, begun two years ago. The members of our Elements Study Group got busy with families, work, and other projects, and we haven’t yet returned to our final … Continue reading

The Elements, Part 4: Water

The element of Water nourishes us, body and soul. Life on this planet began in and emerged from the deep, mysterious waters of Mother Ocean. The never-ending cycle of water is visible to us as lakes and rivers, clouds and … Continue reading

The Elements, Part 3: Fire

The element of Fire lights the darkness of our outer and inner landscapes. It is in the faraway light of the stars, the life-giving warmth of our Sun, the Moon’s mystical reflection, the sudden flash of lightning, the friction of … Continue reading

The Elements, Part 2: Air

The element of Air swirls around us, unseen but essential to life. Air’s direction is East and its time is spring and dawn. Air’s colors are light and peaceful: sky blue, pale yellow, and pure white. Air’s essence is expressed … Continue reading

Yoga for the Earth Element

The following is a slightly-modified article I wrote for presentation to my Elements Study Group this past weekend. We’ve been exploring the Earth element, and to me the body-mind connection of yoga fit in well. I presented the article, then … Continue reading

The Elements, Part 1: Earth

The element of Earth reveals our connection with the land. Earth’s direction is North, and its time is winter and midnight. The colors of Earth are dark and restful: chocolate brown, forest green, deep black like the night sky. Giant … Continue reading

Teaching the Elements

Last spring I took the Elements of Magic class from two wonderful Reclaiming teachers who are bringing these teachings to Maine. I’ve been a Pagan for 20 years, and I’ve attended one of Reclaiming’s witch camps (in 2005). The Reclaiming … Continue reading