Cake of the Month: March
Well, then, here it is: the Cake of the Month for March. It’s called Spring Fever Cake with Dark Chocolate Butter Frosting. I designed it like an egg decorated for Spring, though my cake decorating skills are still a bit primitive. I think it gets the idea across, though. We celebrate Spring Equinox, also known […]
Yes, It’s Still Winter
These Maine winters can be, well, long. I mean, it’s only the end of January, and we’ll probably have snow at least through early April. Think about it. I’m already tired of the cold. The appeal has even worn thin for ElvenTiger, who loves snow. Every day lately, it’s been either very bitterly cold, or […]
Cake of the Month: January, part 2
The second Cake of the Month for January, ElvenTiger’s birthday cake, was quite a success! I created my own recipe, after doing a bunch of research online and in cookbooks. My Mom, BlackLion, and ElvenTiger all helped out in various ways (and thanks to Jen-Mom for two of the pictures, below!). The recipe is called […]
More Cake of the Month (Seconds, Anyone?)
I decided to go ahead with the Cake of the Month project. ElvenTiger gets the first cake, since her birthday is in January. She wants some kind of layer cake with chocolate and caramel. So I’m on the hunt for good recipes. BlackLion thought I meant that I’d be creating recipes for the cakes myself, […]
Cake of the Month
I’ve been on a sugar fast, from Samhain (Halloween) to Winter Solstice. By this I mean I’ve been abstaining from desserts, foods and drinks with refined sugars. I’ve also kept my use of other sugars (honey, maple syrup, etc.) low during this time. It’s something I’ve done before, and helps me contain my natural inclination […]