
Our Feline Photo Shoot

When we were creating the images for the new website last week, we discovered that the banner I’d been using for my blog was too large to fit in the banner spot on the new site. I wanted to use a new picture, anyway, though I still wanted to feature our lovely black cat, Merlin. […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Celebrations of Birth

This week we’ve been celebrating birthdays! We have a lot of August babies in the family and the community. One of our good friends turned 12, and the Maine Wholeschoolers celebrated with a party at his family’s camp on a lake. Then we had a big birthday bash here at the homestead. My Mom turned […]

NaBloPoMo Success!

Huzzah! I did it! Even through a very busy and active month, I posted here every day! It wasn’t really a burden. I had fun. I needed to be very conscious about remembering to post, but perhaps now, 31 days later, it’s become a habit. We’ll see how that goes. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading […]

Eye of the Storm

I’m sitting here at the laptop with my cup of decaf chai tea (with soymilk and honey, mmmm) and taking a few moments to write today’s blog. I’m really psyched that I’ve almost made it to the end of the month, and have posted every day! Especially given the fact that I’ve been so very […]

Bedtime Routine and The Between

October’s theme for National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) is “Between.” So I thought, since I seem to have taken up the challenge of daily blogging this month, that today I’d talk about one of the ways I use the term “between.” My bedtime routine goes like this: after brushing my teeth and changing into my […]