It’s Alright
I’m having a hard time getting back into some of my usual creative outlets, like blogging, since my friend passed away. It’s odd how grief shows up in different ways for each person. The other thing that’s dropped away is my usual talent for planning and scheduling – which may be a good thing, though […]
Creativity and Non-Linear Learning
The culture I live in, and even some of the more creative people I know, believe that learning a creative art (whether writing, music, dance, Tarot card reading, blogging, or whatever you choose) is a linear process. You pick what you want to master, start at the beginning with the rudimentary skills of a particular […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Celebrations of Birth
This week we’ve been celebrating birthdays! We have a lot of August babies in the family and the community. One of our good friends turned 12, and the Maine Wholeschoolers celebrated with a party at his family’s camp on a lake. Then we had a big birthday bash here at the homestead. My Mom turned […]
Bedtime Routine and The Between
October’s theme for National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) is “Between.” So I thought, since I seem to have taken up the challenge of daily blogging this month, that today I’d talk about one of the ways I use the term “between.” My bedtime routine goes like this: after brushing my teeth and changing into my […]