We’ve entered through the portal into a new calendar year. How is your 2024 going so far?
Like last year, mine has been a bit slow to begin, energy-wise. I’m not quite as deep in the grieving process as I was last year at this time, but we did lose Merlin LoveCat this past summer, and 2023 felt like it was a bit harder than I’d wanted it to be.
While I’m still going through my old journals, and I haven’t felt called to do some of my other year-end rituals, I did pick a word of the year: VIBRANT.
It’s a word that’s been with me in the form of intentions for a few weeks now. I am moving towards being vibrantly healthy, vibrantly wealthy, and vibrantly joyful. I’m already vibrantly creative. I also like how the word vibrant is related to the word vibes. I’m tending to my vibes this year.
I’ve led two vision board playshops over the past couple of weeks, so I’ve made two vision boards of my own. The first one, pictured above, is my traditional sort of board. For the second one, below, I went with how being vibrant feels to me.
How about you? Is your 2024 starting off with a bang, or are you still easing into it, like I am?