NaNoWriMo, November 2020, DAY 8 – 2074 words
Dear Diary,
BlackLion made us a new Discord channel, the Parallel PlayZone, for my writing community. So naturally we played with it this evening, and did sprints with our own “CatBot.” It was fun.
I’m going to be running a couple of Writing Sprints sessions in our channel, for my current clients and subscribers to the Parallel PlayDates. They’ll be happening this Sunday and next Friday.
I’m super excited to introduce this way of writing to my peeps!
Mostly because I love it so much, myself.
DAY 9 – 1747 words
Dear Diary,
When I sat down to write today, I had no idea where the story was going. So I just went with it. I wrote 1747 words in just three 15-minute sprint sessions!
That was surprising.
One thing I’ve noticed is when I’m writing from my main character Cassie’s point of view, I write faster. I suppose that’s because she’s part of me in some ways.
I’m enjoying the process, for the most part.
DAY 10 – 1810 words
Dear Diary,
One of my mentors, Jeannette Maw the good vibe coach, talks about slacker manifesting. It’s the idea of giving up trying to bring about what you want, and instead letting it happen.
I’ve been half-heartedly trying to plan some plot points for Patterns on the Sea, but at this point, a third of the way through the month, I give up. Not in a resentful or guilty way, either. It feels like my creative inspiration is to just write this one as I go and see what happens.
So that’s what I’m doing. I’m a slacker manifester!
In this today’s sprints, I manifested 1810 words. Not bad for not really feeling like writing when I first sat down.
DAY 11 – 1594 words
Dear Diary,
BlackLion and I decided to take an hour in the afternoon to do some sprints on our new channel. Once again I rocked the word count, accomplishing my goal in just three rounds. Woo hoo!
It feels good to just do the writing without worrying (much) about where it’s going.
What’s the worst that could happen? It might suck. But I’m confident if that happens that I can fix it in revisions.
I’ve noticed I’m embracing this “slacker manifester” approach in other parts of my life, too. It feels like a sigh of relief. Good stuff for this recovering perfectionist.
Want to join us for some writing sprints? Reach out to me at nikki at nikkistarcatshields dot com