To doubt oneself is a common experience in our modern culture. So many of us have a story to tell or a tale to craft, yet wonder whether or not our experience is unique or profound enough to share. We don’t fully trust our imagination, or the impulses that urge us to create.
If you find yourself thinking, “Who am I to write a book?” – pause and consider this.
You are a woman with a unique experience in the world. What you bring to the table – your skills, your wisdom, your service to the community – is the culmination of all the things you’ve learned and experienced throughout your lifetime.
Women’s stories, for centuries, have been left untold. Your wisdom has been silenced. The ways of women have been suppressed or discouraged.
Sharing your story will inspire others on their journey, and help you understand yourself and your unique vision more deeply. Writing your book will allow you to integrate your wisdom so you’re ready to learn and grow more. It will shine the light on all the ways you lead and inspire.
Writing is a tool for transformation. Tap into your creative wellspring, and write the book you can’t wait to share with the world!
Looking for support as you dive into telling your story? Join us.