Lovely lilacs at our place. Photo by BlackLion.
The lilacs are blooming! I love their lavender beauty and that delightful smell. Ah, full spring, with summer right behind it. I love it! This weekend I’ll be spending some time in our new hammock, reveling in the gorgeous weather and this lovely place where I live. I’m so very grateful!
Here’s some good reading (and watching) for your weekend. Enjoy!
Speaking of gratitude, here’s the start to a whole alphabet of gratitude. Thanks!
I’m not usually a huge fan of videos, but this one blew me away. What a fantastic message. Yes!
Listening to your body before saying yes to Too Many Things. This is so me – both the tendency to schedule too much, and the relatively new skill of listening within before saying yes.
Quiet time amidst the chaos of life.
Had an epiphany lately? Do you know what happens next? Words of wisdom from Danielle LaPorte (one of my new favorite authors – I’m reading The Desire Map and loving it).
We just hung up our first hammock at home, and now I’ve been hearing about hammock camping. Intriguing…
This is a really interesting take on the practice habits of some of the top achievers in music. It can apply to other creative pursuits, too.
Thinking of starting your own business? Check out these little secrets.
How to honor your own divinity.
And a quote for today: “The nature of your personal beliefs in a large measure directs the kinds of emotions you will have at any given time. You will feel aggressive, happy, despairing, or determined according to events that happen to you, your beliefs about yourself in relation to them, and your ideas of who and what you are. You will not understand your emotions unless you know your beliefs. It will seem to you that you feel aggressive or upset without reason or that your feelings sweep down upon you without cause if you do not learn to listen to the beliefs within your own conscious mind, for they generate their own emotions.” – Seth through Jane Roberts
Come on over to the Feline Dreamers website and check out our new video series on core beliefs! We’re doing a 4-part video series as a lead in to our new online course, The Alchemy of Core Beliefs: Unearthing Your Hidden Framework, beginning June 1st. Hope to see you there!