What are your most important priorities in life? The really super big ones?
It’s okay to pause for a moment and get philosophical. This is late autumn, the dark time of the year, a chance to go inward and seek what is most meaningful to you. Take your time. When you’re ready, pick two or three top priorities. These priorities represent your most deeply cherished core beliefs about how to live “the good life.” They’ll be different for each of us.
When you’re living in tune with yourself and who you truly are, those priorities form the foundation of your life experience. Each day, you can use them to make decisions about how you’ll spend your time and energy.
I’ve been thinking about my own foundation, and it turns out to be a triangle, or perhaps a pyramid. I have three key core beliefs about what’s most important in my life: love, learning, and fun.
I’m grounded in love, and that’s an important component of my life’s priorities. Love of self, love of my beloveds, love of family and friends and pets, love of my surroundings and the things I do, love of the world and life itself. Love given and received freely. Gratitude is also part of it. I’m so thankful for the love in my heart, and for all these opportunities to share it. When I focus on that love and connect with it, amazing things happen.
The second part I’m calling learning, but this includes using my creativity. I love to read, and I’m good at learning that way, but my other favorite method is learning through doing. Currently I’m learning how to write a novel by participating in NaNoWriMo for the second time. I’m learning to play the Middle Eastern drum (called a doumbek or tabla) by fumbling around and playing rhythms I already know on my djembe. I’m learning zentangling by practicing it, making pages in my art journal. I also learn a lot about the world by being in nature, and I learn about myself through my spiritual practices.
The final side of my triangle-shaped foundation is fun. I’ve come to believe that if I’m not having fun, then what’s the point? I don’t mean that every single moment of life is fun. Sometimes things are tough. But in general, I strive to enjoy what I’m doing and to spend time doing the things I most enjoy.
It’s your turn. What are your life priorities? What forms the foundation of the life you wish to live? Leave a comment below and share what you care about. How does your daily life reflect these core beliefs?
The next step is to create a life where those priorities are fully in focus. Where can you let go of things that don’t contribute to the life you desire? How can you take steps, right now, today, to bring more of your priorities to the forefront? I dare you to take action.
You’ll learn something new, you’ll most likely have fun, and chances are you’ll love it!
Or is that just me?