Do you feel like summer is just zooming right by? Me too. What can we do to make summer linger a bit more? That’s simple. Make an effort to get outside and enjoy it.
I know, you’re busy. Me too. But let’s face it, the warm weather months won’t wait for us to check off all the items on the ever-present to-do list. Take a break. Get outside for a picnic, BBQ, walk, hike, swim, some puttering in the garden, or whatever floats your boat. Enjoy it!
Here are some thought-provoking and fun links to peruse while lounging on your beach blanket or camp chair…
Did you pick a Word of the Year for 2014? It’s time to check in and see how your word is inspiring you now.
This post provides a wealth of fascinating resources for exploring what Jung called our “shadow side” and how it relates to art and creativity. Follow the links to go down the rabbit hole!
Here’s another interesting article on the contribution of various factors, including practice and talent, toward achieving mastery.
Those of us doing creative work along with parenting or other care-giving, housekeeping, and working for others can be challenged with managing our time. How do we prioritize our creative work?
Teenagers keeping late-night hours?! Who would have thought!? Nope, it’s nothing new.
This is a terrific post on how to mentor your kids when they have big dreams. “Don’t set limits where limits aren’t necessary.” Love it.