How were your holidays? Are you basking in a contented glow, feeling glad that they’re finally over, or a bit of both?
I had some joyful times with my dear family and friends. Yet there was also sadness, and some overwhelm. It’s all good. I’m content with where I am, and I’m wishing you the best, right here in this moment. Remember, you are worthy of love just as you are – your own love, as well as that of others.
Here are some links for the final weekend of 2013.
First, a couple of lists for my fellow bookworms. This one has so many that sound like great reads! I got Life of Pi for Christmas, so that one is a definite. And NPR’s huge list of the best books of 2013(conveniently arranged by category) will keep you busy for a while. Happy reading!
Grieving? Know someone who is? Please read this. Even if not, read it anyway.
An emphatic YES! to this approach. I’m feelin’ it.
I did some decluttering last fall and found it very therapeutic. I think it’s time for another round.
Happy New Year!