This week was the Spring Equinox, when the balance between day and night is equal. I’ve been noticing where I can find balance in my own life. One of the things that has been coming into a lovely state of equilibrium is my balance between (left-brain) organizing and planning tasks and (right-brain) creativity and play. I’ve set up some helpful systems for staying organized and managing those types of tasks, which allows me to have time to be creative. It feels good!
One of those systems is the ROW 80 challenge, which I’ve decided to join. BlackLion helped me set up a new blog, which I’ll use for organizing and reporting on my writing projects, along with other musings and quotes related to the writing arts. If you’re a writer, or just curious, come on over and check out Starcat’s Writing Desk.
Here are some other links I’ve been enjoying this week.
I love these tips for getting started on a new dream. The author became an artist, but you could apply her suggestions to most anything.
Here’s another article about nurturing your creativity. “Bring forward what lives in your heart.” Love it!
I’m not even sure how to describe this essay, but it touched my heart. Wow.
Unschoolers often get asked what a typical day looks like. Here is one Mom’s eloquent answer.
Despite my love of blogging and the online world, I still value real paper books and putting pen to paper. And I’m not the only one.
Have a beautiful week!
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