Happy Thanksgiving! Since it is a universal day for being grateful, I thought I’d share some of the things I’m thankful for this month; they are from the #gratitudes posts I’ve been doing each day on Twitter. Come join me there and share yours! Blessings to you and your loved ones!
I am thankful for naps.
I am thankful for leftover veggie soup, soft sweaters, hot showers, and sleeping in.
Grateful for my Mom, peanut butter on toast, weird dreams, the Guild of Extraordinary Gentlewomen, playing the triangle and sun.
I’m thankful for hot tea, warm blankets, my pillow, a hot water bottle, and good books. Grateful for feeling better than yesterday, fever being done, green smoothie, soothing music, great family.
Thank you for sunshine, healthy Merlin cat, voting with no-lines-no-waiting here in rural Maine, my body’s wisdom for healing.
Today I’m thankful for love in all forms and expressions, hot steamy showers, unexpected joys, pea soup, and clean dry laundry.
So grateful for a quiet house, time to read and write, my journal, smiling cats, my daughter ElvenTiger’s laughter, and melting snow.
I’m thankful for a nap on the couch with Percy cat, great big fun family gatherings, Cloud Atlas (the movie), and dancing.
I’m thankful for the best family in the universe. Immediate family, extended family, friends – all fun, friendly, and loving.
Grateful for drumming, learning, community gatherings, smiles from a baby, rest, and someone else making dinner.
Thank you for sunny weather, a great night’s sleep, spiritual practice, fresh pineapple, blog comments, and patience.
I’m grateful for kitty snuggles, vegetable curry, my laptop, homemade laundry soap, dancing around the kitchen, and the rain. Thankful for blue skies, sunshine, recording the podcast in my PJs, early Thanksgiving dinner with friends, and time to write.
I’m thankful for all the awesome homeschooling families I get to hang out with on Thursdays, hugs, and starting a new poem.
I’m grateful that I enjoy hanging out with my teens and their friends, for our new D&D game, and for lots of healthy yummy food.
I’m thankful for my cats Merlin and Percy, drumming, my imagination, sleeping in, sunshine, love, peace, and heartfelt gifts.
So grateful for a family potluck (with Italian food), a new opportunity for Feline Dreamers, reggae music, and sweet friends.
Thankful for fun craft time, praise for Dark Follies, snuggly cats, Quester cleaning out my car, and leftovers for dinner.
I am grateful for my guys singing to Beatles tunes, time with a dear friend in her sunny apartment and the smell of fresh bread. An extra gratitude for today: singing along to songs with no words.
Thankful for making pie today, getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, having the whole family around this week, and cats.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful for my sweet family, a bountiful feast of yummy food, my cozy home and spontaneous hugs from my son Dryst.
Fabulous and such a great reminder bless you