Today we got up to a pretty snow-covered landscape. That is, some of us got up. I’m speaking of Percy kitten, who slept much of the day away. Though he did arise eventually, went out briefly, and returned wet and hungry. So the kids dried him off and fed him and all is well. Merlin kitten, too, wished the weather wasn’t so messy. He hung around, looking out the door once in a while, clawing BlackLion’s leg with a demand that he stop the precipitation immediately. He did go out a couple of times anyway.
The kids were out quite a bit, helping with shoveling and playing in the snow. Quester ran the snowblower and cleared the entire driveway. The kids also played crazy run-around-inside-the-house tag games. Yes, teens and pre-teens still play that sort of stuff…so do some of the adults for that matter.
We had quite a big session of online gaming today, too. The team of gamers was playing D&D Online – their group of characters are elven sisters with varying specialties. Personally, I wasn’t involved in that part. I was working on the cutout card project! With some help from various family members throughout the day. I also did my usual computer communications, and helped ElvenTiger with her new e-mail and Facebook accounts (which mostly involved answering spelling questions).
Sash made a delicious dinner, a root vegetable casserole with all kinds of ingredients from the CSA, including parsnips, celeriac, potatoes, shallots, carrots, garlic, and a really cool striped variety of beets. It was very tasty and is all gone. Quester and I went for a grocery run this evening once things had turned to rain (and before they iced). We brought back a bunch of snacks for the crew as they finished their D&D adventure.
It was a mellow day at home and, although we did miss our usual Wednesday routine of homeschool group, I think everyone had a fun time.