We had Girls’ Night Out last night. What fun! Four of us went out for Chinese food, then to see the movie “Julie & Julia.” Awesome movie! The best films, in my opinion, are the ones that make you laugh aloud. We were totally cracking up. And the timing for my friend LM and I was perfect – we two and BlackLion have co-authored a cookbook, which is right now in the publishing process. So to see Julia Child and her friends going through some of the same things was funny and touching.
On another level, the modern story of Julie inspired me to blog more. She was able to challenge herself and connect with others who were in turn affected by her journey. I checked Facebook when I got home, and saw that a friend had made a post on her blog that showed up directly on Facebook. Given the current interest in Facebook, and the quick and direct feedback one gets there, I thought that sounded very cool. She told me how to do it, and this morning I signed up.
No promises at this stage, but I’m thinking of creating some kind of challenge for myself, that will get me blogging much more frequently. I mean, I write in my paper journal every day, so why not online too? More to come as I figure it out. Meanwhile, off to the beach to body surf on some of these big waves.
if you figure out your idea for a challenge, I’d love to hear it… staying with any one thing is such a challenge for me 🙂
Peace and Abundance, Cid
Sounds like you had a really wonderful night out with the girls!
I know what you mean about blogging. I think that for myself, I want to keep track of how my goals are progressing, post daily snippets and thoughts, and then see what other new things creep in.