The Pennsic War

The entire Pennsic experience was amazing! We all had a fabulous time. It makes us want to get even more involved in the SCA.

Dryst served as a page for the matriarch of our camp, and also did some water-bearing and armor toting for a couple of the camp’s warriors. He wants to get his gear and do youth combat next summer. He also had fun running with a gang of urchins, playing Munchkin and Dominion with campmates, and doing errands for the various adults.

Brighid accompanied us to classes, and attended some on her own. She did contact juggling, period hand sewing, and drop spinning. She spent time with a couple of the teenage girls in the camp, and made some friends in dance classes. She and I went to the Children’s Fete, and also attended Midnight Madness in the marketplace.

BlackLion and I did some volunteering, on security shifts and also coloring at Herald’s Point. We designed and submitted our own device, as well as officially submitting our names to the SCA. We took classes on heraldry, period dancing, drumming (Middle Eastern and West African), vegan options in the SCA, calligraphy, composing text for scrolls, and more. We attended a Ball, drummed for the King during the procession to Opening Ceremonies, and watched the field battles. We enjoyed watching our friend Mugg get his award of arms, becoming Laird Mugg. And so much more!

There were also birthday celebrations for three members of Blackhart, including BlackLion! Overall we had an amazingly fun vacation and learned a lot along the way.

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