News Burnout

In the first yoga class of the term, our teacher mentioned that she’d like to keep politics out of the yoga studio. No discussion of the election in the room, or even in the lobby. Several people nodded, and someone said “thank you!” My first thought was “huh? Why would we be talking about that at yoga class?” But when I went out into the parking lot after class, I noticed a couple of cars sporting 2008 election stickers.

In a similar vein, I’ve had several people make comments to me that assume I’m worried about the economy, and my own survival. I’m not. I’m doing well, and will continue to do so. Why? Because I create my own experience. With Quester’s new job in solar energy, we’re participating in the gradual conversion from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources. Teaching ourselves about gardening and beekeeping is certainly about being more personally sustainable. But why worry?

Don’t get me wrong – I do care, I will be voting in November, I’ll research the candidates, I recycle and reuse, I’m involved in my community. I just don’t see the value in freaking out about change, or living in fear. I think the news media perpetuates a lot of negativity. Since leaving my job in the media several months ago, I’ve avoided listening to or reading much “news” (I don’t even have TV). And to tell you the truth, I haven’t missed much.

Maybe we don’t need as much up-to-the-minute information as we’ve been taught to believe. Especially the “everything is in crisis” variety.

P.S. As to staying positive when you get caught up in the bad news cycle, try this:

One Response

  1. Wendy
    Wendy September 24, 2008 at 12:56 pm | | Reply

    I know, given the current theme running in my blog, that a lot of people think I’m freaking out. The opposite is quite true. The point of the exercise in which I’m pariticipating is to get me (and as many people who’ll heed the message) mentally prepared for a more simple life. You and your wonderful family are already living that life, and that’s where the rest of us need to aspire ;).

    Thanks for your upbeat message. Fear really is not productive, unless is spurs people to make changes. Unfortunately what I often hear just below the fear is that resolve – that sense of helplessness and hopelessness, which I think is tragic. I believe, as you say, that we create our own experience, and that this turn of events doesn’t have to equal despair, as so many seem to feel.

    I’m not afraid, and I’m having a great time imagining alternatives to those things we currently take for granted :).

    Thanks, again, for your upbeat message ;).

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