Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy…

Hey everyone! I’ve been really enjoying my new lifestyle. Yep, my goal of becoming an at-home Mom and writer (as well as gardener and beekeeper) has been achieved! I’ve been really busy, though…so much so that I wonder how I ever managed to fit in 40 hours of work plus commuting.

Quester is starting his new job with a solar energy company soon. He manifested just exactly the work he described. He’ll be training for the first few weeks, as a subcontractor, then he’ll be hired on as an employee. Very exciting!

BlackLion and I have a beautiful garden and two beehives! So far we’ve enjoyed spinach and lettuce from our garden. It’s so delicious! And fun to harvest the stuff that you’ve grown. Even the weeding is fun and meditative. We’ve been having quite a bit of rain lately, so we haven’t had to water the garden a lot. The bees are fascinating and magickal. We’re using top bar hives, and so we had to transfer the bees over to that style of hive, which was quite an adventure (we’re going to create a post on our shared blog about the experience, which I’ll link here when it’s done).

So far most of the writing I’ve been doing has been on the pagan vegan cookbook. It’s almost done!!! It’s been really fun, especially writing the catchy “blurbs” at the top of each recipe. Though perfecting my vegan chocolate cake recipe got a bit frustrating. It finally came out right, just this week. The homeschool group enjoyed devouring it on Wednesday 🙂

The kids are doing great. We’ll be having our portfolio review in a couple of weeks, and then the whole group will be doing a big yard sale/car wash/bake sale as a fundraiser. We also have a couple of group camping trips planned. BlackLion and I will be taking the kids to GNE next month, which is a big SCA event. Both kids also start travel soccer in August (this is ElvenTiger’s first year of travel soccer, though she’s done the town soccer league for a few years). This morning we picked some wild strawberries out in our field.

I guess that’s it for an update for now. I’ll add more entries as I’m inspired. Have fun and get outside!

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