Here, There & Everywhere

I know I haven’t shown up here regularly in a while. Don’t be jealous, dear blog, but it’s at least in part because I’ve started a Substack. Actually, it’s me and my Muses, no matter the platform, so you’re not missing out.

I’m loving the way it feels over on Substack. It’s like when I started this blog, on Blogspot, way back in the early 2000s. It feels fun and light and meaningful. There are a bunch of writers, bookwyrms, and other story lovers writing about almost any topic you can imagine.

Substack has the added benefit of supporting writers with paid subscription options. Though don’t worry if that’s not in your budget, as I’ll always post plenty of free content as well. I admit that I don’t yet know how I’m going to handle posting to both venues, here and on Substack. It feels like a lot to be maintaining a steady pace of content on both, along with the other stuff I’m doing. Stay tuned…

In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to join me there and subscribe, whether for a free subscription or as a paid supporter. As I’ve done here, I’ll be writing about books, creativity, writing, magick, and my adventures

There have been quite a few of those lately. Adventures, I mean. I’m finding that as I continue to focus on expanding my creativity and spirituality, I’m called to explore the world around me. I’m particularly drawn to beauty in all its forms. Nature, of course, but also art, music, and playfulness. I’m gradually making my home more and more reflective of this desire for beautiful surroundings (thanks, Moon in Libra). 

I’ve also started working out with a personal trainer – yes, really! My sedentary scholarly life is now jazzed up with more physical activity, which feels really good. Now that I’m in full menopause I have more capacity to tend to my health, and as a result I have more energy for hiking, dancing, and swimming. The peri-menopause was really the worst of it, for me. I had no energy, I gained a bunch of weight, and my emotions were all over the place. Sorry if the menstrual talk is TMI, but I mentioned what I just told you in a virtual room of mixed-age women recently, and it seemed to give hope to some of those younger than me who are struggling. 

Anyway, I’m feeling better and better, on many levels, and part of that upgrade has involved new platforms where I can share my creations. Writing-wise, besides the Substack and some personal channeling and journaling, I haven’t been working on anything in particular. I’m about ready to dive back into my fiction, which is a thing for me this time of year.

I know there has been some controversy with the leaders of NaNoWriMo, and some writers aren’t using their platform anymore. But I’m planning to continue, because for me it’s not about the organization itself. It’s about the camaraderie of hundreds and thousands of us using November as a sacred cauldron in which to write lots of words

I’m going to focus on drafting my fourth fantasy novel, and also on writing some missing scenes for books two and three. Book one is feeling like it’s pretty solid right now. I did another edit of it earlier this year. Aside from adding some foreshadowing for future books, I think it’s in pretty decent shape. Oh, and I have a novella I’m slowly working on, too, that will go between books one and two, to tell the story of the lost concertina

I’m not sure exactly what my next steps are in terms of launching the series, but I know I still want to hire someone to help me with the publicity when I do launch. Because of the ongoing shadow work I’ve been doing, I’m actually feeling much better about being visible with my books. I’m talking with some local shop owners about carrying my existing (nonfiction) book catalogue, and I imagine that will lead to them stocking my fiction when it’s available. I’m also leading a performer’s showcase, monthly, at a local arts venue, and I’ve started sharing some of my fiction there. The foundations are being laid for the eventual series launch.

In other news, I’ve added a new in-person weekend writing retreat, coming in April 2025, here in Maine. I’ve also upgraded my summer one to a new venue, which will be much more accessible and luxurious. The July retreat is two-thirds full, already! I’ve also hired an amazing woman to upgrade the back-end of my business, integrating everything into one easier-to-use system. I joined a coaching program in April, and it’s been helping me to upgrade all of these things, leading to a more sustainable and successful business. I still adore what I do, particularly running my group writing program and leading the transformational retreats. I have the best clients! They’re doing amazing work in the world, and writing about it, and expanding their own lives as Thriving Artists. Life is good.

Yesterday was the second anniversary of my Dad’s passing. It doesn’t seem like it’s been two years already. I still miss him a lot. I wrote a poem for him this past week, and it feels really healing. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but I know that he loved me (still does, from beyond the veil), and I love him. We took Mom to the Fryeburg Fair, and had a fun time seeing the animals and having a yummy lunch. I’m thankful for my whole family, and my wonderful friends. I love our adventures together, and how we support and encourage one another.

As we enter the final stretch of 2024, I feel so grateful for everything – even the difficult stuff, because it helps me continue to grow and learn. I’m sending you lots of love, and I hope you’ll come join me on Substack. My most recent post as of this writing was about what to do when you’re struggling, so if you need a boost, check it out. I’m sure I’ll see you around, Dear Reader!

Oh, I almost forgot to update you on my latest reads. I’m loving the sci-fi series by Cixin Liu. I’ve read The 3-Body Problem and The Dark Forest so far. It’s intelligent and thought-provoking stuff. I’m finally reading Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree, and it’s as adorable and cozy as advertised. A great book for autumn. I’m also reading, for a spiritual book club, Heal the Witch Wound by Celeste Larsen, and I’m surprised by how well it fits with the ancestral healing I’ve been focused on lately. I finished Eating in the Light of the Moon by Dr. Anita Johnston, and loved it.

I have, as always, an awesome stack of books by my bedside to get to next, and I’m excited about cozy days with a cup of tea and kitten snuggles. My darling Merry Lovecat will be a year old at the end of October! She’s such a sweet and lively addition to the family, and she loves to cuddle up while I read. 

How about you? How’s life? What have you been reading lately?

Starcat’s Favorites: The Upgrade

photo from my summer retreat by Brent BlackLion Nelson

Last week I ran my annual in-person writing retreat on the coast of Maine, with a group of wonderful folks joining me. It was a week full of creativity, transformation, and laughter.

I also had an appointment to tour a potential new retreat venue. We love our gathering spot, but we’ve been outgrowing the place a bit. The new place is absolutely perfect for us. It ticks all the boxes of what we love about these summer gatherings, and offers even more amenities.

Since I’ve been following my inner guidance more and more, I asked my guide Zeke what he thought of the new space. I heard, “this is the upgrade.”

I’ve since been embracing that “upgrade” energy, and things are flowing in beautiful ways. There have been lots of synchronicities, unexpected delights, and so much summer fun in my life! I’m grateful.

Here are some fun and interesting finds from the web that I hope bring you inspiration:

My dear friend and biz sister Jennifer Elizabeth Moore is running a 30-day gifting challenge over in her Empathic Mastery Facebook group – join us to expand your ability to give and receive!

Do you identify with being “too busy,” but you’re not sure how to change it? Check out Jeannette Maw’s blog post on creating miracles.

The weirdness and chaos in public life has been ramping up lately. That’s an understatement, I realize. Know that things are probably better than they seem. This is such an inspiring video!!!

If you’re like me, you have way more ideas for creative projects than you have time and energy to devote to them. Here’s a terrific article about how to prioritize which ideas to pursue.

If you’re looking for a fun virtual book club to join, Maine Public has one that’s been going for a while now. They tend to read quality mainstream fiction by local authors.

Someone told me about Fable, which is an online community for those who love stories. I haven’t checked it out in detail yet (I just downloaded the app and plan to play with it, soon), but wanted to share it in case it calls to you. Are you already on Fable? What do you think of it?

I loved the most recent season of Bridgerton on Netflix. If you’re fan, too, here’s a list of other shows you might enjoy. I can personally recommend Sex Education, Outlander, The Crown, and Derry Girls.

Recently I was inspired to start my own Substack blog, Musings from Nikki Starcat Shields. I’m enjoying it so far. I have no idea, yet, how or whether that will impact this blog, but I encourage you to come and check it out, and subscribe if you like what I’m offering.

One Word, Redux

Dryst and I dancing at his wedding!

I was searching my blog for something else and found this fun “one-word” post from back in 2011. I decided to do it again, in 2024.

If you want to try it, just add one word to each of the prompts, and post it on your own blog or on social media. It’s fun!

Yourself: priestess
Your partner: multiple
Your hair: wild
Your mother: wonderful
Your father: gone
Your favorite item: FitBit
Your dream last night: interrupted
Your favorite drink: cranberry-seltzer
Your dream car: reliable
Your dream home: here
The room you are in: purple
Your ex: forgotten
Your fear: lack
Where you want to be in ten years: bestseller
Who you hung out with last night: cats
What you’re not: bored
Muffins: raspberry-chocolate-chip
One of your wish list items: hot-tub
Time: swift
The last thing you did: cooked
What you are wearing: pink
Your favorite weather: hot!
Your favorite book: fantasy
Last thing you ate: Popcorners
Your life: blessed
Your mood: joyful
Your best friends: mermaids
What are you thinking about right now: reading
Your car: nonexistent
What are you doing at the moment: playing
Your summer: exciting
Relationship status: loved
What is on your tv: Bridgerton
What is the weather like: lovely
When is the last time you laughed: today

Lessons From the Sea Turtles

It’s been a few weeks since I had one of the most powerful experiences of my life, and it has taken me a while to even attempt to write about it. It’s weird, because writing is my main form of creative expression. Usually, if something magickal happens, I long to try and capture it in words. But not this time.

Have you ever had an experience that was so over-the-top special that you can’t even find the words for it? Yeah, that. It took a while to integrate.

I’ve given birth twice – once via an emergency c-section and then through natural birth (VBAC, for those who know the lingo). I’ve also been present for the birth of a friend’s child, which was top-level amazing, and different from being the portal. I was there when my dear friend Jenn died. I’ve gotten married, seen amazing concerts, been in powerful rituals and taken hikes deep into the heart of Mother Nature.

Alongside these awe-inspiring experiences lives this new one: I swam with wild sea turtles.

Some context for those who don’t know me: I’m a water priestess (Cancer rising) devoted to the Goddess Yemaya, I’m a lifelong (and strong) swimmer, I have mermaid swim certification (yes, that’s a thing), and I adore the ocean. 

My daughter and I describe ourselves as “quarter Mermaid.” She and I each have a tattoo of a sea turtle on our calves. My best friends and I call ourselves “the Mermaids.” You see the theme.

BlackLion and I went on vacation in April, to the U.S. Virgin Islands. We had a completely magickal time there. “Tropical vacations” have been on my vision board and wish list for many years, and recently we’ve been able to manifest more travel. In the Bahamas, we saw a sea turtle in the water down below us while we were hiking. In Mexico we saw other amazing sea life (like huge manta rays and starfish) while snorkeling.

This trip, we stayed on St. Thomas, but took the ferry to St. John, which has a huge national park, a couple of times. The second time, we’d met someone at a reggae bar who told us Maho Bay was the place to go to see the turtles. On the ferry over, a passenger we chatted with told us exactly where to look for them.

This was the final full day of an amazing trip. I was already feeling super high-vibe. White sand, hot sun, blue sky, ocean breeze, turquoise waters – the astounding beauty of where we were swimming put me into a state of pure bliss. BlackLion and I swam slowly, leisurely toward the area we’d been told about, using our goggles to peer at the sea floor, which was covered in long grasses.

Suddenly he nudged me and pointed. A huge sea turtle stirred from its resting place in the sand and began to swim slowly upward. My eyes went wide and my heart started to pound. I still can’t explain how this massive yet gentle creature made me feel. We all surfaced, and the sea turtle looked over at us, blinking slowly. Its gaze felt like recognition, and connection. 

It slowly swam off, accompanied by an eighteen inch fish called a remora, which like to hitch a ride and feed on the algae on the turtle’s shell. I had to focus to catch my breath. Seeing this turtle felt as amazing and all-encompassing as witnessing the birth of my friend’s daughter!

Later, after a picnic on the beach, I went back in and swam around on my own while BlackLion rested. Before long, I came upon not one but three sea turtles. Again I felt that rush of ecstasy. I swam with them for a while, keeping a respectful distance.  Again my heart was pounding and my breath was quickened – not from exertion, but from awe!

These creatures are massive, ancient, and wise. They’re huge but fast, and graceful. I felt a stirring in my soul. I could feel, very viscerally, how everything is connected. After the turtles moved off, I swam around the bay in a lovely state of trance. 

BlackLion joined me, and we chanted the Green Tara mantra we’ve been using lately.

I overheard some people talking, and one man said, “Yeah, the turtles are really spread out today. Normally we see 8 or 9 of them together.”

My thought was, “I don’t think I could even handle seeing that many!” My bliss cup was already overflowing.

I’ve brought the magick of this experience back home with me, and it trickles into everything I do. In so many ways, I am now living the dream that I longed for when I started to actively move toward manifesting a creative life, back in 2007. 

Yes, there is further to go. Yes, there are improvements I’d love to make. AND, I’ve already arrived. I am living my life’s purpose, to the best of my ability, in each moment.

When I fall down, I get back up and use the tools I’ve cultivated to return to alignment. I allow myself to receive magickal and profound life experiences. 

In each moment of this life, I’m swimming with the sea turtles, a priestess of Yemaya immersed in Her sacred waters. 

I didn’t even look in my go-to resource, Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, until now, while writing this blog post. But I’m not surprised by the associations and symbolism that I find there: feminine power, longevity, abundance, uniting heaven and earth. “Turtle reminds us that all we need for all that we do is available to us, if we approach it in the right manner and time.”

It is true. This is the moment. You are right where you’re supposed to be. As they say, just keep swimming

What are the most blissful and awe-inspiring moments in your life?

Green Tara Is Calling

I’m reading a fascinating book called Tara: The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha by Rachael Wooten, PhD.

I first encountered the Goddess Green Tara when one of my mermaid besties did a program for our Goddess group in the fall of 2022. At the time, I was actively grieving the recent loss of my Dad. 

My friend led us through a guided meditation, based on the Tara book, to meet Her. I felt a strong connection, and it was comforting and nurturing. In my journal, I captured the experience: 

Tara said, “Oh little sister, take comfort from me,” and enfolded me in her arms. It made me cry.

While the book was still sitting in my TBR (to be read) stack, I also ran across a Tara chant on the music streaming service I use. I’ve been reading about Tara’s 21 emanations, slowly, one at a time. I added the chant to one of my music playlists. While listening to that mystical playlist in shuffle mode on the way to yoga class this past weekend, I thought to myself that I’d love to hear that Tara chant again, and it came on next; this playlist is more that 4 hours long, so that’s a fun synchronicity moment

The owner of the yoga studio we go to also asked BlackLion and I to join her and another musician in creating a kirtan band. It’s something we’d all talked about a year or so ago, but the timing of focusing on learning and playing chants is another sign.

Green Tara is connecting with me, and open to me connecting with Her. Or reconnecting, perhaps. 

I took my first hatha yoga class in my early 20s, at the YWCA, and I’ve been studying and practicing ever since. I’ve incorporated meditation into my daily spiritual practice, studied various Eastern philosophies, and continued the physical yoga practice off and on. As an eclectic Pagan, I would say that Hindu and Buddhist traditions are the ones that I align to most easily.

I’ve been called to these practices even more strongly lately. Something shifted for me when my Dad crossed over. As one of my friends and mentors said, when a parent dies, half of your source DNA moves beyond the veil, and that triggers transformation. I’ve also crossed into full menopause, which is another major life transition. 

As of this writing, I’ve been doing yoga and meditation every day for more than 14 months in a row.

When I asked my spirit guides why Green Tara is appearing in my life now, I was told that not only do I have strong past-life connections to Her, but it also makes sense given how my practice of yoga has deepened over the past couple of years. Connecting with this mutable Goddess who has many different aspects and emanations also works well with my Reflector nature (in Human Design terms).

And so, after decades of working with Brigid, nearly ten years of devotion to Yemaya, and a more recent connection with Nyx, another Goddess archetype is calling me forward. Thank you, Green Tara!

I’m going to continue reading about Her, and will also incorporate some of Her rituals – offerings, chants, and meditations – into my spiritual practices. I’m sure I’ll be sharing more about the journey with you here in these posts. In the meantime, if you can recommend any books or other resources on Green Tara, I’d be most grateful.

Letting Go of Compartmentalizing

One thing I’ve learned during my five-plus decades on Earth is that we human beings like to make things way more complicated than they need to be. This is especially true in regard to our biggest goals and dreams.

Six years into building my dream career, I’m slowing down and relaxing into my entrepreneur life, rather than trying to hustle and be frantic about rocketing growth. I’m seeing more clearly how my work as a writing coach and retreat leader is meant to support my own career as an author.

It’s not as if I set aside my own writing completely. I’ve released two books during this time of actively building my business. I’ve also continued to write fiction, mostly during November each year, as part of National Novel Writing Month.

But there are ways in which I’ve made my own writing less of a priority than it deserves to be.

It felt like I needed to “solve this money thing” before proceeding forward to my biggest dreams. However, as my spirit guide has been pointing out to me recently, life is actually all one experience.

We tend to break things down into “career,” “relationships,” “health,” and so forth, compartmentalizing our daily experience. This is part of how we complicate things.

I’ve been on a health journey lately. I’ve been telling friends and family that I’ve been losing weight since the day after Thanksgiving, and while that is true, the journey began earlier than that. I’ve been doing a daily yoga practice since the beginning of 2023, and I’ve been experimenting with intermittent fasting, well, intermittently over the past year or two.

Since I added calorie tracking in late November, and started tracking my steps after receiving a FitBit for Christmas (from Dryst and his fiancee), the weight loss has been much easier than I thought it would be.

Why is that? I did a lot to prepare for it.

Besides the yoga and fasting, I’ve been reading about health at this phase of life (menopause), and learning a lot. I’ve been working on my mindset and healing old emotional wounds. I’ve been doing some ancestral work, and lots of Shadow Work.

I’m seeing the results now, and what I’m discovering is that the easier I allow it to be, the easier it is.

Now I’m taking these lessons into other areas of my life, and breaking down the walls of the compartments. If weight loss and getting fitter and healthier can be easy, then so can financial success. This, too, has been something I’ve been extensively learning about and preparing for over the past few years.

This, too, can be easier than I ever thought it would be. I mean, obviously it’s still a work in progress.

It’s all a work in progress – that’s what life is about: learning, growing, living, laughing, loving and being loved.

I have so much gratitude for my experience. I’m truly and deeply thankful for arriving at this phase in my life. I am ready. I am doing my practices. I am alive and imperfect and full of creativity. I love to learn and to share.

I am serving the world by doing my own sacred work and following my most cherished callings, to the best of my ability.

I’m letting go of compartmentalizing.

I am grateful.

Starcat’s Favorites: Wellness Upgrades

I’m on a new leg of my health journey. I haven’t talked about this much online up until now, but I’ve lost 26 pounds over the last three months.

I’d been steadily gaining a bunch of weight throughout perimenopause, though I hadn’t really changed my diet much. My amazing doctor retired a couple of years ago, and I hadn’t found a new one yet, plus I felt fine and wasn’t sick, so I didn’t address it for a while.

In November I found a wonderful new doctor, and when my cholesterol numbers came up high, she offered to help me lower them, and lose the pounds I’d wanted to lose. I’ve been using the Noom app, which I find super helpful, and my son and his fiancée got me a FitBit for Christmas, so I’ve been tracking my steps and exercise. I’m also doing intermittent fasting.

I have 40 pounds left to lose to reach my target weight.

It’s actually been quite easy so far, and feels great. I think I was ready. I finally entered full menopause (thank Goddess!), and I’ve been doing daily yoga for over a year now. I’ve been experimenting with the intermittent fasting for a while, too (if you’re in a female body, I highly recommend reading Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz). I’ve also been doing lots of Shadow Work and spiritual exploration that supports the mindset part of this process.

If you’re curious, I’m tracking calories and I’m eating a mostly vegetarian (and much of it vegan) diet. I do eat fish and seafood, once a week or so, mainly for the Omega-3s. I’m already quite low-dairy due to lactose intolerance, and I probably eat eggs once per week or so as well. I’ve been eating mostly vegetarian for decades now, which I prefer, but recently I’ve also eliminated fried foods like French fries and chips, and have cut back on bread and sugary treats significantly.

I’m sharing this in case it will inspire anyone who’s ready to make a change. If this is you, feel free to reach out. Being the confirmed bookwyrm I am, I have some other books to recommend for you if menopause and/or weight loss are things you want to learn more about. If not, read on and as usual in these Starcat’s Favorites posts, I’ll share my recent finds on the web.

Oh, and I’m not going to share a photo of the lighter me yet – only because I don’t have a good one – but here are pictures of the meals I’ve been creating and prepping today:

  • vegan and gluten-free lasagna (the noodles are thinly sliced zucchini).
  • Atlantic Salmon with dill and cilantro, brown rice, and peas & carrots (I had kimchi with mine)
  • vegetarian enchiladas (some are light on the cheese)
  • salsa and guacamole


Now, as promised, the links:

Looking for some ideas on how to work with astrology and your chart? I love this article from Chani’s website about how to engage with it on a daily basis. I have her app and it’s great.

Lately I’ve been using this page of journaling prompts centering on abundance.

Another valuable abundance-related post is this one on creating multiple streams of revenue.

I have the book The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese on my shelf and plan to read it soon, so I’m saving this discussion guide. Have you heard of this book? Have you read it yet? I’ve heard good things about it.

This article, Ten Tips on Writing Race in Novels, is coming in handy for the contemporary fantasy series I’m working on currently.

What are you up to lately?

Starcat’s Favorites: Mindset, Mindset, Mindset

I’m practicing the art of consciously choosing my mindset, these days. I’m aiming for vibrant health, wealth, and joy. BlackLion chose the word MINDSET as his Word of the Year, and I’ve been seeing and hearing it everywhere. It certainly supports my own intentions for 2024.

I’m also enjoying expanding my horizons with new mini-adventures. The wintry weather has cancelled or shifted some of my plans. But so far this month I’ve gotten to co-host a Mermaids & Pirates birthday party (for 10 adults) at a local hotel with an indoor pool, attend a Silent Book Club at my favorite coffee shop, and hold a fancy High Tea with my Mom for some friends. Such fun!

Of course, I’m also getting plenty of time in the creative cave. I’ve been editing my own fiction, along with a couple of manuscripts for clients. I’ve been reading novels set in tropical places and daydreaming about warm sea water.

Here are some of the interesting tidbits from around the web that I’ve discovered this winter:

There’s value in solitude. We knew this. (Do people really “fear” solitude? Not me, says the introvert. But I can get distracted by devices, like most of us).

I love this article about rediscovering your personal power – and yes, it even mentions mindset – !

This blog post by a retreat attendee is absolutely stunning (I also have one of her books, and it’s fantastic). So inspiring. I hope that someday I’ll receive this kind of praise for my own retreats!

Back in September I shared a link to a post on boundaries, from the bullet journal blog. Well, it became a 4-part series on this valuable topic. This is the second article on boundaries, here’s the third one, and the final installment is over here. The whole series is excellent and well worth a read.

Oooh, I love this astrological timeline of your life from one of my favorite astrologers.

Speaking of astrology, here’s a list of books, one for each sign of the zodiac. Cool!

I can’t remember if I’ve shared this song before, but it’s powerful and always gives me the chills.

Setting some goals for 2024 and beyond? Remember to get into alignment and expect the best.

I love book lists. Here’s Leonie Dawson’s list of the best books she read in 2023.

I hope you’re enjoying the winter, with joy, good health, and prosperity. Blessings!

Starcat’s Best Books of 2023

Just what my fellow bookwyrms need during this wintry month: my annual Best Books post. Once again, I couldn’t pick just 10, so I’m featuring my 14 favorite books from 2023.

As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2023, just ones that I encountered and very much enjoyed.

I read 84 books in 2023. Like last year, this is more than usual – in the past I’ve often averaged about a book per week. I’m not sure what made this such a great year for reading, but I’ll take it!

Here are the books that stood out the most and became my 2023 favorites:

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. Last year I told you that Morgenstern’s The Night Circus is among my top favorite books of all time. Well, who knew? The Starless Sea is even better! Truly a masterpiece of lyrical prose. The writing, the characters, the setting, the world-building – all are perfectly exquisite. If I could only recommend one novel to you, out of all the ones I’ve read over the course of my life, it would be this one.

Traveling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor. Part of the reason I loved this book so much is that it’s written by authors, about their creative process. However, it’s also about travel, and aging, and relationships. If you like memoir and you’re interested in personal growth, you’ll enjoy these musings.

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I didn’t know much about this book other than it was rather popular when it came out. What a story! It has one of those narrators that you don’t necessarily like that much, but somehow you end up sympathizing with them. I love books that take me along for a wild ride, and this novel certainly fits the bill. I also learned some new things about the art world, which was a bonus.

The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri. This is a heartbreaking book about the far-reaching effects of war. I’m amazed by the horrors and losses that we humans can survive. This well-written novel gives us a window into the experience of those whose world is destroyed, and what it’s like to immigrate to a whole new culture. Powerful.

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I already liked Weir’s sci-fi writing, after reading The Martian. This one blew my mind! Seriously, it’s one of the best works of science fiction in recent memory. If you enjoy this genre and haven’t read Project Hail Mary, it deserves to be on the top of your TBR stack.

Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body by Tami Lynn Kent. I’ve been reading a bunch of books on menopause and related topics, and this is one of the absolute best. How is it possible that I’ve lived in this body for 54 years and I’m still discovering new things? One reason is that we are creatures of continual change. Another is that we’re still being fed a huge bunch of BS about being a woman, thanks to the legacy of the patriarchy. Kent’s book goes a long way toward healing deep wounds and dispelling old myths. This is one I’ll be returning to again and again.

Earth Alchemy by Glennie Kindred. In this densely-packed volume, Kindred takes us on a journey around the wheel of the year that she pairs with the phases of alchemical transformation. We get to witness her personal journey, as well as discover ways we can enrich our own spiritual work. A valuable addition to one’s metaphysical library.

Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Torzs. BlackLion got me this book for my birthday, and it’s right up my alley. Books, magick, mystery, romance… What’s not to love? It’s a delightful book that will keep you up late, turning just one more page. I’m looking forward to reading more by Torzs.

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert. I love Gilbert’s nonfiction. I didn’t expect to enjoy her fiction quite as much as I do; I’m not sure why. This was an excellent historical novel. Very enjoyable. I love how the protagonist evolves throughout the story.

Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler. This book is intense, sometimes depressing, but absolutely brilliant. I’ve read other works by Butler, but this is my favorite so far. It’s set in a dystopian not-so-distant future, and is believable enough to be downright scary. I especially love the protagonist and her tenacity.

Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson. This is actually a novella, set in between the longer volumes of Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive series. Another flawless tale, in a complex but believable world, that makes you stop and think. He’s on top of his game. I’m looking forward to reading his new series, Secret Projects.

Writers & Lovers by Lily King. It’s hard to describe this book. On the surface, it’s a tale of a young woman’s love, grief, and creativity. It could also be said to be about the heroine’s journey, the archetypal awakening to one’s true power. The writing, though, is luminescent, and it upgrades the whole experience. That’s the best I can do. You’ll have to just read it for yourself.

The Narrow Road Between Desires by Patrick Rothfuss. On the one hand, I’d rather Rothfuss put his creative energies into finishing the long-awaited third book of The Kingkiller Chronicles. On the other hand, this is an exquisitely-written faery tale. It brought me to both tears and laughter. Take yourself along on the amusement park ride that is The Narrow Road Between Desires. You won’t regret it.

What did you read last year that you loved? What’s on your to-read list for 2024?

Word of the Year 2024: Vibrant

We’ve entered through the portal into a new calendar year. How is your 2024 going so far?

Like last year, mine has been a bit slow to begin, energy-wise. I’m not quite as deep in the grieving process as I was last year at this time, but we did lose Merlin LoveCat this past summer, and 2023 felt like it was a bit harder than I’d wanted it to be.

While I’m still going through my old journals, and I haven’t felt called to do some of my other year-end rituals, I did pick a word of the year: VIBRANT. 

It’s a word that’s been with me in the form of intentions for a few weeks now. I am moving towards being vibrantly healthy, vibrantly wealthy, and vibrantly joyful. I’m already vibrantly creative. I also like how the word vibrant is related to the word vibes. I’m tending to my vibes this year.

I’ve led two vision board playshops over the past couple of weeks, so I’ve made two vision boards of my own. The first one, pictured above, is my traditional sort of board. For the second one, below, I went with how being vibrant feels to me.

How about you? Is your 2024 starting off with a bang, or are you still easing into it, like I am?